The Cat & The Cowl

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It only took Oracle a Day to find a phone number she was certain linked to Harley. We couldn't find an exact location but it was one step closer. Me and Jason chose not to tell Bruce about my plan, we felt it was best to keep it between us.

I decided calling Harley, sooner rather than later, was the best idea. I paced about in the atrium as the phone rang, hoping she'd answer. Calling was a risk, but Jason was right, if she knows I'm pregnant too, she might come to me, I've helped her before so it's not that much of a long shot. On about the fifth ring I heard her quiet voice, her real one.

"Hello? Who is this, how did you get my number?" She sounded scared. Her voice was hushed, and a little shaken.

"Dr. Quinnzel? It's Dr. Ruby Wayne, please don't hang up on me." I put on my gentlest voice, I could hear her audibly sigh, she seemed relieved it was me.

"Doc, oh boy am I glad to hear from you."

"Can you come into the hospital safely? It can stay between us, I put the pieces together the other night, about your condition." I whispered it into the phone like I was afraid to say it. She was silent for a minute before I heard a deep breath come from her lips. "I know you're probably terrified but you need medical care."

"I'm 14 weeks, and 3 days, I've been too afraid to see someone but I know the day it happened and I used one of those app thingies. I know I shouldn't of done that thing to mista J that I did but technically I didn't do anything wrong." She nervously rambled into the phone before stopping. "Hey, How did you figure it out?"

"I'm fourteen weeks today, we're bump buddies. I just, I knew, I can't explain it, but I knew that's why you offered that reward. Did he find out about the baby?" I just had to cross my fingers that this would work. "We can hide you, Bruce doesn't even have to know. I have family back in Metropolis."

"You'd do that for me?" Her little voice sounded hopeful, she really was trying to start over. "He uh, he knows."

"You're a brilliant woman Harleen, I know you've been trying to help the people of Gotham since you got out. Let me help you, let me get you and your baby out. Bruce has more money than he knows what to do with. He won't miss it if I take a little." I could hear her grabbing something, keys rattling.

"I can be at the hospital in twenty minutes, I dyed my hair back so no one even knows it's me anymore. It's great doc, like I've got a secret identity." I smiled to myself happy that my plan was working. So far at least, she trusts me for whatever reason, she has since we met.

"I'll see you there, I'll put you under an assumed name, I can have you out of Gotham by midnight." We said our goodbyes and I was headed to the car. Jason wasn't far behind me, Bruce was out with the boys so he didn't even have to know what was happening.

When I got to the hospital, she was waiting in a room for me, just like I'd asked Kara to do. It was just her, no weapons or company. You could see her belly starting to peak through already, she was so slender it wasn't that surprising. She did seem nervous to see Jason though, he refused to let me go in alone.

"This is my step son Jason, he's gonna help me move you out of Gotham. He's also going to med school in the fall." I looked back at him smiling, and it seemed to loosen Harleen up a bit.

"Oh that first year is rough, you'll be tempted to party, wait until you're in your residency to do that. Your mom will back me up." Harleen smiled looking to me as I nodded in agreement. "Doc, can I tell you something in private?"

"It's okay, I won't judge you, I want to help too." Jason put on the softest voice I'd ever heard him use, "tell us how we can help."

"Can you check me for STD's? I ain't been sleepin' around or anything. Just, a thing happened and I was worried the baby could get sick." Jason seemed to pick up on it pretty quickly, he looked to me to press for farther information.

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