The Baby & The Bombshells

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Three days into it and Gotham was a nightmare. Green arrow and Oracle were now residents of Wayne manor, so was Clark Kent. I lived along side Superman for years, but I never saw him in person. It's still strange to me that he's just in my house, it's strange knowing who they all are now.

"Ruby right?" Clark gave me a little smile while I worked on breakfast for everyone. They were all in the batcave finishing last nights wrap up.

"Yeah, what's up?" I turned to him smiling as I set the pancakes onto the plate, only to have the waffle iron beep at me. This was usually what I fed the boys after a long night, pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage. Making it for an army? Little harder.

"First of all, let me help, I can man the waffles and meat if you can do the eggs and pancakes?" Clark stood up taking over for me as I breathed a sigh of relief. "Bruce let you in the field yesterday."

"Yeah, he's a bit over protective of me, but I have a pretty solid military career so he knows I'm capable." Clark looked up at me a little confused before he looked like he realized something.

"So Bruce doesn't know then, about your condition?" Clark gestured to my stomach with the spatula before going back to his cooking.

"How do you know? I only just found out, the day Barry got here." Clark got a guilty look on his face, turning away to plate another set of waffles.

"Iris wanted me to check on the twins, and you were in my line of sight. I know it's an invasion of privacy but I swear it was an accident." Clark seemed genuinely apologetic looking at me. I wasn't sure how to react though. "I won't say anything. Who all knows?"

"Just me, Alfred, Iris and Caitlyn. I'd tell Bruce, but the last thing I need is one of them getting hurt and him refusing to let me in the field. I have to think about everyone." I sighed scooping the last of the food off of the griddle, just in time to hear their voices approaching.

"I get it, it stays between us." Clark whispered with a smile before waving to the heard of hero's piling into the kitchen.

"There's a whole spread, plates are at the front of the line, syrups, jams and butters are on the table. Juice is also at the table along with glasses. Single file, no pushing or arguing there's enough for everyone." Everyone was talking amongst themselves while I watched Barry and Bruce whispering to each other. It was clear it was something they didn't want everyone else hearing, and they were covering their mouths so no one could read their lips.

They soon were staring at me as I fixed a plate, hoping to disappear to my Atrium hideaway. I managed to slip away from everyone but Bruce. I had barely settled in before he was there sitting across from me with his own plate of food. There was a tense silence as I watched him cut his waffle, slowly taking a bite. I could tell something was wrong.

"Women, they get more emotional when they're pregnant right?" Bruce looked up as I nodded. "Fuller face, they tend to mother hen more, stockpile supplies, right?"

"They can, it's called nesting. Usually yeah, the face gets fuller, their emotions are intensified and sometimes they are more mothering. Look at Iris and her glares." I was trying to keep composure as I pushed the food around my plate.

"They often become over protective to the extreme, a mother would kill to protect her young even before they're born right?" Bruce seemed to be growing more concerned as I nodded in agreement. He must know. "I think that's why Harley ordered the hit on the joker. She's pregnant."

"Oh, that changes everything. I need to get to her, she'll need prenatal care, I'll have to treat her for joker toxin and a few other things. The baby can't be his can it?" Bruce was right, it would explain why Harley is being so weird. I'm just thankful it's about her, not me.

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