Tomorrow & Beyond

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Six months of being Dr. Ruby Wayne, six months of having my real name back, and six months of being Valkyrie. Bruce thankfully healed up without an issue, only to repeatedly abuse his body as soon as he was back in the field. I managed to add a monitoring system in the batsuit that went live last week at least.

It monitors everything from his bpm and oxygen level, to swelling and blood loss. It let me keep him safe in the field the best I could. Even with my Valkyrie suit, he only lets me in the field for emergencies.

I still managed to keep up my work at the hospital by some miracle, even with my new double life. Jason spends a lot of time volunteering with me there, he's starting to let go of a lot of his anger. He's a good kid under it all.

He's been keeping me company while I work on the last of my prep for Harv's surgery. He held a lot of anger towards Harvey for killing his birth father, even though he was never there. I think working with me, hearing about who he used to be, it's helped him understand that he's sick, not evil. Tonight is no different, Jason is at my side while I ran my last test on my cultured skin.

"What's the verdict Doc?" He peeked his head over my shoulder looking at the skin sitting on the model of Harvey's face.

"It's time, I just sent Kara a text letting her know to call. We'll start as soon as he gets here. Let Bruce know for me would you?" I looked up to see Jason nodding as he pulled out his phone.

"Ru, are you sure this is the right thing? I mean, will this really fix him? What happens when Harvey has to confront his crimes? He lost everything." Jason had a point, this could just hurt him worse, but I had to keep my promise.

"We have to try, I made a promise to him, and I keep my promises." I checked my seeded transplant face one last time before putting it back in the bio case.

"Dad said to let him know when you're out of surgery. Can I still watch from the gallery?" Jason looked up from his phone as he paced back and forth In my lab at the hospital.

"Yeah, you can, you really should think about med school. You'd be a great surgeon, you're clever, and you're dedicated, I could write a letter of recommendation." I looked up to see him rubbing the back of his neck like Bruce does when he's nervous or embarrassed.

"I told you, I'm not smart enough for med school. I punch people and I guard you, that's my job." He paced as he spoke, talking with his hands. "I'd fail, it would make you look bad and I don't want to do that. I'm too hot headed, too angry."

"Shut up, you are totally smart enough. I do agree that you're hot headed, but your doing better. I know you stole my old medical textbooks, how far are you into them?" Jason stopped for a minute to stare at me, I don't think he knew that I knew. "Oh I know all your secrets Jason."

"Keep this up and I'll 'accidentally' let killer croc eat you." Jason nudged me smiling before sitting down and hanging his head in his hands. "Do you really think I could do it? Be a doctor I mean."

"I was a combat medic, I punched people, shot them, but I also saved them." I pointed to the wall of my accommodations from my youth. "You could save a lot of people Jason, think about it, that's all I ask."

He gave me a little smile, almost like he was thinking about it. The two of us sat in mostly silence while I prepared the last of what I needed for harv's surgery. When we got the call he was in the OR, it was bitter sweet. I personally carried the graft, Jason at my side like a sentential the entire way.

He stood holding the case with the graft while I scrubbed in, he wasn't taking chances. When I was done, Kara carried it into the OR and opened it so I could set the graft and model on the surgical tray. Harvey was still awake, just mildly sedated. His eyes were watching me, he looked scared, sad even.

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