Bris: "I'm tired of running for your uncle, we are going to be late for the picknick with the fangirls!"
Kili: "But he is angry with me!"
Bris: "You could just say sorry and act nice."
Kili: "That's a good idea, why haven't I thought about that?" *Kisses Bris on the cheek*
Bris: "Let's find your uncle!"
*A few minutes later*
Thorin: *Shouting* "Where were you and why were you in Mirkwood?"
Kili: "Uuhm, I am very sorry for running away, uncle Thorin. For why I was in Mirkwood: I heard there were some new fangirls, I and Fili wanted to see them."
Thorin: "Okay, do you know where Fili is? I need to speak with him about his behaviour. It is not acceptable for the crownprince."
Bris: "I haven't seen him, but you do look good, my king."
Thorin: "This elf isn't so bad..."
Kili: "Can we go now, uncle?"
Thorin: "Yes."
*At the picknick*
Alya: "Everyone who I invited is here, let's have fun and eat!"
Thranduil: "What do you want to eat, Autumn?"
Autumn: *Giggles* "A piece of cake, please."
Legolas: "Do you want some chocolate, Alya?"
Alya: "YES, give me all the chocolate!!"
Kili: "Is uncle Thorin still searching for you, Fee?"
Fili: "Yes, and you?"
Bris: "Nope, he apologised."
Livia: "Wow, we ran to the Shire yesterday. We hid in Pippins house. I don't remember much after that.."
Daphne: *Giggles* "It was very cute to watch you two being drunk, wasn't it Pip?"
Pippin: "Yes it was."
Layla: "You should apologise too, Fili."
Fili: "When I see uncle I will."
Livia: "And if he doesn't, I will."
Aragorn: "Did you know Melui is very good at hand to hand combat?"
Melui: *Blushes*
Elladan: "I think my brother is better."
Aragorn: "I don't think so."
Elladan: "Let's have a contest!"
Aragorn: "Okay, Melui, you can do this!"
*A few minutes later*
Daphne: "You can do it Melui!"
Layla: "Come on Elrohir, you can win this!"
Elrohir: *Knock out*
Legolas: "Wow, sister, you are really good, I didn't know that!"
Thranduil: "That's my girl!"
Elladan: "Manen le, Elrohir? (How are you, Elrohir?)"
Elrohir: "Im penorven. (I'm tired)"
Aragorn: "I knew you could do it!" *Kisses Melui*
Melui: "Thanks for the support, everyone."
I hope you liked this chapter!