Minas Tirith party

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In Mirkwood

Alya: "Legolas, are you finished with your hair? I need the mirror too!"

Legolas: "I'm almost finished."

Andromea: "Excuse me, is this Greenwood?"

Legolas: "It was called Greenwood ages ago, now it is called Mirkwood. Who are you?"

Andromea: "I'm Andromea Vairëiel of Greenwood. I'm half Vala and half Elf. My mother is Vairé the weaver. I have lived here in the past."

Alya: "You must be the new fangirl!"

Andromea: "Yes, where are you dressing up for?"

Legolas: "It's the anniversary of Gondor. Aragorn gives a party in Minas Tirith."

Alya: "Would you like to come with us?"

Andromea: "Sure, I can meet others there."

Alya: "Legolas, could you help me with my hair?"

Legolas: "Sure."

In Minas Tirith.

Melui: "Are you ready for the party, Aragorn?"

Aragorn: "If the cake arrives in time, yes...."

Vili: "Did someone say cake?"

Aragorn: "It isn't here yet, Vili, the cake can be here any moment now."

Vili: "Okay, I can wait for cake."

*A few minutes later*

Aragorn: "I think everyone is here...
*Raises voice* Welcome everyone to the party for the anniversary of Gondor. I hope you have a good time. At the end of the party I will choose a king and a queen."

Kili: "Have you seen Bris, Fee?"

Fili: "I saw her standing over there with Daphne."

Kili: "Thanks, Fee."


Thranduil: "Wow, Autumn, you look so majestic in that blue dress!"

Autumn: "You look majesic too, my king!"

Thranduil: "You have a good chance in becoming the queen of this party."


*slow music playing*
Elrohir: "Would you like to dance with me, Layla?"

Layla: *Giggeling* "Yes, I would like that very much."
*dancing beautiful*

Kili: *sees Elrohir and Layla dancing*
"Hi Bris, would you like to dance with me?"

Bris: "Sure! :D"

*Dancing disco style knocking everything over.*

Thorin: *Sigh* "This is not what I teached you, Kili."

Kili:*Shouting* "It doesn't matter, uncle, we are having fun!"

Pippin: "Would you like to dance with me too, Daphne?"

Daphne: "Of course, Pip."


Livia: "Hi Alya, who is the person you brought with you?"

Alya: "Hi Livia, it's the new fangirl, Andromea."

Andromea: "Hi, nice to meet you."

Livia: "Have you seen the pie yet?

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