*At Mirkwood*
Legolas: "Alya, we still have some pie
left from the picknick, what do you want me to do with it?"Vili: "Did someone say PIE??" *Eats all the pie*
Alya: "I was going to say we could eat it, but now..."
Vili: "I'm so sorry!"
Alya: "No problem, we've had enough and I have the same with chocolate."
Legolas: "Who are you, pie loving person?"
Thranduil: "She is obviously a dwarf."
Alya: "Does it bother you?"
Thranduil: "Some say so..."
Thorin: "It doesn't bother me."
*To himself* "I know her from something..."Autumn: "Never mind Thranduil, he is weird sometimes."
Alya: "Would you like to introduce yourself?"
Vili: "Well, I'm Vili and I love pie. I have a horse named Jay."
Fili and Kili: "And she's our sister!"
Thorin: "Oh yea, now I recognise you! Haven't seen you in a long time!"
Merry: "Really? I didn't know you had a sister. And she is really pretty too!"
Vili: *Blushes*
Livia: "Fili, you didn't tell me you had a sister."
Fili: "I didn't have the time to tell you, because we were running from Thorin all the time."
Vili: "Again?"
Kili: "Maybe??"
Thranduil: "Wait a minute, the funny stuff happens more often? Nobody told me!"
Melui: "That's exactly why, ada, you would stalk them if you knew."
Autumn: "You are not going to stalk them now, are you?
Thranduil: "No, because I'm going to do something nice with you.." *Takes Autumns hand and walks away*
Autumn: "It was nice meeting you, Vili."
Bris: *Runs into Thranduil* "Whoops, sorry!"
Autumn: "No problem!"
Bris: "Where were you, Kili? We were going to go buy some more nutella for my project!"
Kili: "Sorry, I forgot. We can go now, I'll buy some extra."
Layla and Elrohir: *Run in*
Layla: "Have you seen Sam? He ran away again."
Vili: "No, I'll help search."
I hope you liked this chapter!
Featuring RubyFangirl14 as Vili.