Bard: "Welcome everyone to the second Middle Earths got talent. I'm your host for today. We've had quite some signups, so let's start! First is Autumn!"
Everyone: *Applauds*
Autumn: *Skates onto the podium* *Music plays* *Does a spin*
Everyone: *Cheeres*
Thranduil: "You can do it, Autumn!"
Autumn: *does an Axle jump twice*
Everyone: *Claps and cheeres*
*Five minutes later*
Gandalf: "Well done, Autumn, thank you for your peformance."
Galadriel: "It was very good!"
Bard: "And now the next candidate, Thorin, our previous winner."
Thorin: *Walks on the stage* *Plays the Misty mountains on the harp and sings*
Everyone: *Listens silently*
Thorin: *Finishes*
Everyone: *Applauds*
Alya: "Thank you for your peformance, Thorin, it was very beautiful."
Bard: "Next up is a new person, named Nayru."
Nayru: *Walks up the stage* "Hello everyone."
Galadriel: "Could you please introduce yourself before you begin your act?"
Nayru: "Sure, so my name is Nayru, I'm an elf. I really like drawing and everything that has to do with computers."
Gandalf: "Okay, you can begin."
Nayru: *Draws the Argonath in the sand when a song plays.* (Watch the video, it's something like that, I hope you are okay with the change @Nayru_Reeves )
Alya: *Whispers to Gandalf and Galadriel* "This is an original idea, haven't seen something like that before."
Nayru: *Finishes*
Everyone: *Applauds*
Elrond: *Cheers loudly*
Elladan: "What are you doing, adar (father)?"
Elrond: "What do you think?"
Elladan: "Never mind."
Bard: "Our next contestants are Fili, Kili and Livia."
Kili: "Why does the apple have to be on my head?"
Livia: "Because I trust Fili better to stand on."
Fili: "Let's begin."
Livia: *Climbs on Fili's head.*
Kili: *Lays an apple on his head.*
Livia: *Takes out her sword*
The crowd: *Gasp*
Livia: *Tries to cut the apple on Kili's head*
Kili: *Trembles*
Livia: *Perfecly cuts the apple in multiple parts*
Fili: "Well done, Livia!"
Livia: "Thanks." *Jumps of Fili's head.*
Alya: "That was an unusual act... I was scared you might cut Kili. Well done."
Bard: "And our second last act is Thranduils."
Thranduil: *Rides on stage with is elk.* *Jumps over multiple obstacles* *Jumps over the jury table* *finishes*
Everyone: *Applauds*
Bard: "And now we have our last act already, Vili and Merry, please come up."
Vili and Merry: *Come up dressed as clowns.*
Everyone: *Laughs*
Merry: "Are you ready, Vili?"
Vili: "Yes, let's go!"
Merry: *Throws a pie to Vili.*
Vili: "Yum!" *Eats the pie in one go.*
The crowd: *Laughs*
Merry: *Tries to walk to Vili* *Trips* "Ow, that hurt!"
Vili: *Laughs* "I told you to take some smaller shoes!"
Merry: *Grabs a bucket of water* "You shall pay for laughing!"
Vili: *Grabs a broom* "You shall not pass!!!"
Merry: "Yes I will!"
Merry and Vili: *Start laughing really hard while throwing water and pie to eachother*
Gandalf: *Whispers to Galadriel* "Was this planned?"
Galadriel: *Responds* "Probably not, but it is funny."
Merry and Vili: *Bow*
Crowd: *Cheer*
Bard: "And this were all the candidates, the jury will now concult."
*A few minutes later*
Bard: "The jury has returned with the results."
Alya: "First I want to thank all the contestants for entering this show. You all did a good job."
Gandalf: "But only one can win the prize of one hundred coins."
Galadriel: "The third place goes to Vili and Merry! Congratulations, you have won fifty coins."
Alya: "The second place was a draw, between Nayru, Livia, Fili and Kili. You all were very creative and have won seventy coins each."
Gandalf: "And the winner is...............Autumn! You were very good and talanted, therefore you won. Congratulations!"
Thanks for reading, everyone. Featuring Nayru_Reeves as Nayru. I hope you liked it! For me, school has started again, so I won't be updating much. I'll try to update once or twice a week. B.T.W. I'm happy, because I found out we are allowed to read lotr for school! :D