Thorin makes a friend.

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*After the picknick*

*Laisidhiel walks in*

Fili: "Who's that?"

Alya: "Oh yea, I almost forgot, that's the new fangirl, Laisidhiel."

Laisidhiel: "Hi everyone, I'm Laisidhiel. I'm a dwarf, elf, man and hobbit."

Everyone: "Wow!"

Laisidhiel: "I also have a horse, Alassiel, daughter of Shadowfax."

Aragorn to Gandalf: "I told you Shadowfax has more secrets..."

*Thorin walks in*

Thorin: "I finally found you, Fili! Come with me, I need to talk with you about your behaviour." *Angry face*

Laisidhiel: "It can't be so bad, my king?"

Thorin: "Who are you?"

Laisidhiel: "I'm Laisidhiel, my king."

Thorin: "Do you want to do something with me, you know, just as friends?"

Laisidhiel: "Sure."

Fili: *Whispers to Laisidhiel* "Thank you for distracting him!"

Thorin: "Let's go."

*Thorin and Laisidhiel leave*

Livia: "Well done Fili!" *Kisses him*

Daphne and Pippin: "Aahw, cute!"

Kili: "Bris, do you want to go buy some new nutella for your "project"?"

Bris: "Yes, let's go!"

Layla: "I wonder what that "project" is..."

Sorry for the shortness of this chapter.. Featuring @zobro123 as Laisidhiel.

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