*Somewhere on the way to Rivendell*
Lais: "The weather is beautiful, isn't it?"
Alya: "Yes it is." *Eat chocolate*
Lais: *Sings The Last Goodbye*
Alya: "Wow, you are really good!"
Lais: "Thanks!"
Andromea: "Hi guys, where are you going?"
Lais: "We are going to Rivendell."
Andromea: "Can I come with you?"
Alya: "Sure, the more the merrier!"
Andromea: "Thanks."
*In Mirkwood*
Scary monster: "Raawh!"
Autumn: "We could go in this room and barricade it."
Kili: "Good idea, I can't run much longer!"
Bris, Kili, Livia, Fili and Autumn: *Go in the room and barricade it*
Thranduil: "What are you doing?"
Bris: A scary monster is following us."
Thranduil: "Sure..."
Autumn: "It is true, I saw it!"
Scary monster: *Breaks the door and comes through* "Raawh!"
Thranduil: "Okay I believe you now!"
Fili: "Let's run again!"
Everyone: *Runs away*
Vili: "Okay, we aren't going to throw Bris' hedgehog, but what are we then going to do?"
Merry: "I've got an idea! We could buil a big catapult and shoot a big rock at him. Then he will be knock out."
Pippin: "You are a genius, Merry!"
Daphne: "Let's begin!"
*Somewhere in Middle Earth*
Gandalf: *To himself* "I don't think it was smart to throw away that pencil I invented. In the wrong hands it could cause a lot of trouble... I better go find it."
*Almost in Rivendell*
Lais: *Bumps into Elrohir*
Elrohir: "Watch out!"
Lais: "I'm sorry..."
Elrohir: "Apology accepted. What are you doing here?"
Alya: "We are going to visit Rivendell."
Elrohir: "I was just getting back, can I go with you?"
Andromea: "Sure, why not?"
*An half hour later*
Elrohir: "Layla, I'm back and I brought some people with me."
Layla: "Hi, guys, long time no see!"
Alya: "Yes, indeed."
Lais: "Could you show me around, I have never seen this place before."
Layla: "Okay, let's go!"
To be continued....