At Mirkwood.
Alya: "We have two fangirls already! :D"
Fili and Kili: "Yay, who are they?"
Thranduil: "What are you doing here?"
Tauriel: "One of them is my sister!"
Bris: "That's me!"
Alya: "She is an elf and has ombré hair and green eyes. She is the nutella queen and has a hedgehog named Jawn."
Kili: *Look's at Bris* "You're pretty!"
Bris: *Blushes* "Thank you."
Fili: *Looks away* "Kili, this is not majestic!"
Thranduil: "Fine, just ignore me."
Alya: "Shut up Thranduil!"
The other fangirl is.... *Dramatic pause* Daphne!
She is a tall dwarf with long black hair. She has a horse named Demon.Daphne: "Hi everyone."
Pippin: "You are sooo pretty!! Do you want to go on a date with me??"
Daphne: "Okay, sure. Where do you want to go to?"
Pippin: "You can choose."
Merry: "Hey, we where going to do something together, Pippin!"
Daphne: "You can come too."
Merry: *Whispers to Pippin* "She is nice."
Pippin: *Whispers back* "I know!"
Daphne: "We could ride to the shire on Demon together."
Merry and Pippin: "Okay. :)"
Kili: "Bris, do you want to go on a date with me too?"
Bris: "Sure."
Fili: "But Kee, she is an elf, uncle Thorin is not gonna like that!"
Thorin: *Walks in* "What are you doing here Fili and Kili?"
Fili and Kili: "Uuhm, nothing uncle."
Thranduil: *Watches from behind his throne, laughing silent.*
Fili and Kili: *Running away*
Kili: *Returns, pickes up Bris and runs away*
Thorin: *Shouts* "Kili, what are you doing with the elf?" *Runs after them*
Alya: "Let's leave, Legolas. Before anything bad happens."
Legolas: "Okay, but what if my father makes pictures of them?"
Alya: "He isn't in here, so he will never know."
Thranduil: *Falls from behind his throne from laughing*
Legolas: "Ada, what were you doing?"
Thranduil: "Goheno nin (I'm sorry), Legolas, it was too funny to leave."
Legolas: "Okay, na lûe govaned (until next we meet)."
I don't own any of the characters.
Featuring i_luv_nutella as Bris and xRAxLOTRxTHx as Daphne. Check them out!
Please tell me what you think.