On horseback.
Legolas: "Where do you wanna go, Alya?"
Alya: "I have to be in Lothlorien at tree p.m., there will be three new fangirls."
Legolas: "Okay, if we go now, we will be there in time."
Alya: "Let's go!"
In Lothlorien.
Alya: "Suilad (greetings) Autumn, Layla and Melui."
Autumn, Layla and Melui: "Hi."
Alya: "Who want's to introduce herself first?"
Gollum: "Mee, my precious!!"
Legolas: "Shut up, Gollum!"
Layla: "I'll go first. I'm Layla and I'm half dwarf and half elf. I have a kitten named Sam."
Sam: "That's my name too!"
Bris: "Really, like I didn't know that already!"
Alya: "I love kittens!"
Elrohir: "Me too, and I think you are very beautiful, Layla."
Layla: *Blushes* "Thank you."
Autumn: "I'll go next, okay?"
Melui: "I'm fine with that."
Autumn: "So, I'm Autumn. I'm an elf and Tauriel is my older sister. I have a pet dragon who is called Daynerys."
Smaug: "I like your dragon."
Autumn: *Screams* "Get away from Daynerys!"
*Everyone gets their weapons.*
*Thranduil rides in on his elk*
Thranduil: "Whoa, two dragons?"
Legolas: "Ada, we are busy killing Smaug."
Alya: "You could help us..."
Thranduil: *Flips his hair*
Autumn: *When Smaug was looking at Thranduil flipping his hair* *Fires a black arrow at Smaug*
Thranduil: "Wow, who is that?"
Autumn: *Blushes* I eneth nin (my name is) Autumn.
Thranduil: "Let's go to Mirkwood together!"
Autumn: "Okay."
Alya: "But Melui hasn't introduced herself yet!"
Autumn and Thranduil: "We'll wait a minute or so so she can introduce herself."
Melui: "Hi, I'm Melui and I'm an elf.
Legolas: "Hey, now I recognise her, she is my sister!"
Melui: "That's right. I also have a horse named Starlight, daughter of Shadowfax.
Gandalf to Shadowfax: "I didn't know you had a daughter. Do you have any more secrets?"
Aragorn: "I'm sure he has loads of secrets."
Melui: *nervous* "Hi Aragorn."
Aragorn: "Hi, do you wanna go to Gondor with me?"
Melui: "Of course!"
Thranduil: "Are you done introducing yourself?"
Melui: "Yes."
Thranduil: "Let's go and drink some wine Autumn!"
*Rides elk*Autumn: "Bye everyone!"
Thranduil: "Goodbye, peasants."
Legolas: "Amman (why) ada?" *Looks away in shame*
Aragorn: "Let's go to Gondor, Melui!"
Melui and Aragorn: "Bye!"
Layla: "Where is Sam?"
Sam: "I'm right here!"
Layla: "Not you, my kitten!
Sam: "Ow."
Alya: "Let's look for him."
*Ten minutes later*
Elrohir: "I found him, he is in this tree." *Points at a tree*
Elladan: "Let's get him, brother!"
*A few minutes later*
Elrohir: "Here is Sam again, Layla."
Layla: "Thank you!" *Hugs Elrohir*
Elrohir: "Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Layla: "Yes!"
Elladan: *sings I'm so lonely*
Galadriel: "Come on, Elladan, you can't have everything your brother has!"
Elladan: *:(* *Rides to Rivendell on his own*
I hope you liked this chapter!
Featuring @AutumnFireblast as Autumn, @kus_marjolein as Layla and @gemzisnotcool as Melui.