Plain Sight (t.c)

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Summary: The glue song by Beabadoobee ft.Clario
No ghostface AU

Tara Carpenter x Female reader


Tara's POV:

There was Me, Mindy, Chad, Liv, Amber, Wes, and Y/n.

That was our friend group. Since 3rd grade. It's always been this way, all of us attached at the hip. Never seen alone just with one person of the friend group.

Chad was dating Liv. Mindy was dating a girl named Anika, we haven't met her yet though! Amber single, Wes single (I think he has a crush on me), Y/n single, me single as well! Although Y/n and Amber did have a thing...but that was in middle school!

I don't really like anyone. No one just seems to be right for me, you know?

"We have got to get you laid girl." Amber rants on as we continue to watch the movie. She puts some popcorn in her mouth eating it.

"I don't know, Ambs. No one really a good fit for me." Tara shrugs, sighing.

"'re not looking hard enough." Amber replies.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean—just look in front of you—"

"Im here, Carpenter!"

We both hear Y/n shout from downstairs.

"In my room!" I yell back. Y/n barges in my room making me and Amber look towards my door. "Oh my gosh! You got them!" Y/n shows off sour air-heads. My favorite. I immediately run and jump on her.

"Im sure there could've been a better way of thanking me, Carpenter." Y/n glances around the room. "Hi, Amber."

"Y/n. I suppose you got me something from the store too?" Y/n throws a bag of chips Ambers way. "Okay, I love you!" She opens the bag.

"Yeah, yeah. You guys are expensive." I jump off of Y/n and we walk over to my bed, both sitting.

"Okay...well I have to get going. I have a algebra test I have to get ready for tomorrow." Amber speaks up, packing her stuff

"Amber, are you for real? Since when do you even" I counter back.

"Goodbye, cutie. See you at school! Bye Y/n!" Amber runs out of my room.

"Since when does she do math..?" Y/n questions.

"No clue." I lay on Y/n's chest trying to put on another movie.


"I don't even like her like that, you guys are weird." I say back to Mindy and Amber.

"Right, right. Im just going to wait patiently until you come to your realization." Mindy replies laughing.

"Unfortunately I am not patient. Tara, you don't know it yet, but you like her."

"No I don't! We are just friends!"

"For now.."


"Ha! Thats a lie."

"No one asked for your butt-in Mindy." I look back at her. "Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend—"

"Uh uh! Don't try and distract us from your liking on Y/n." Mindy says, mouth full of candy in her mouth.

"Im not! I don't like her! We're not good for each other like that—"

"Pft. You guys are practically a couple already—"

"We're not!"

"You are."

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