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If only...

I could break this snowflake without any costs

if only,

I could step up this thick line without thinking the worst

If only, 

I could simply catch the firefly at night and hang it in my room at noon

If only,

I could make this mess into significant art like a broken dark sky 

yet with an unshared moon.

Deeply dreaming to the wilderness

And each night is like a never ending dream of fogs and grasses

With dim light and wind blows full of coldness

Kissing my skin, slowly soothing my soul with roughness

Oh night of mercy, just a night of sleep is what I draw with peace.

Yet over and over again

I just lay in my bed with a hanging chain

Securing my body not to move, not to run, not to skip the pain

My sight is widely awake like a flashed scene in my dream...

my dream that somehow awakens me to a nightmare!

"Insomnia is not a joke. How you cradle and beg just to have a nice sleep. Wandering off your mind, listening to mellow melodies just to calm you down and be at ease, yet, you'll always end up dealing with a never ending sleepless night over and over again."

Her PEN (Personal Expressions of No One Sees)Where stories live. Discover now