Sin of Pride

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   Lucifer grit his teeth together and after a final frustrated breath he shoved himself to his feet and swung his cane up, magic wrapping around him and yanking him from Alastor's room. When he arrived on top of the roof the final number had rolled to a rounding zero on the clock of the Heaven's Embassy. A lot crack of static sounded behind Lucifer, but he didn't spare the Radio Demon a glance, distracted by the sight above them. At the exact strike of zero a gold portal spun open, the sight of Heaven through it causing a sickening feeling in his gut. Lucifer walked forward until he reaching the end of the Hotel roof and slipping his cane down. The bottom of it clicked against the tiles of the roof and he leaned against it, watching the black and white horned masked exterminators slip out–followed by Adam.

   It takes the First Man less than a minute to locate him but Lucifer's gaze had been on him the moment he slipped through Heaven's Gate. Ugly, golden clothes, that same mask and some hideous golden guitar strapped to his chest. Lucifer's violin carries that color far much better. "You!" Adam snapped his hand out, pointing down at him. "You're not supposed to be here!"

   "So this is what the Sinners are all so terrified of, hm?" Lucifer mocked, tilting his head slightly to the side as he ran his gaze from Adam to Lute. Giving a small smile he moves his eyes back to Adam again, the look on his expression through the mask drawing a laugh from the fallen angel. Snapping his wings out he flew into the air, hovering over the battlefield in front of the hotel. No one has drawn their weapons yet, frozen at the sight of him.

   "A bunch of cowards dressed in horns like holy ghosts or some shit." Lucifer spun his cane in his hand and pointed it out at Adam. "You want to know why this is funny to me? Well, I'll tell you! You're a bunch of murderous demons in angel wings, and you don't think you belong down here?"

   "Shut the fuck up! Why are you even here? You can't be–do you want to break the agreement?" Adam floundered, tripping over his own words and gazing nervously at the portal behind him.

   Lucifer wondered, briefly, if they were being watched. Not that it would surprise him. Lowering his cane down he tucked it into his arm but didn't move from his place over top of the hotel. "What agreement? Because last I recall, what I signed off on was once a year. Now, time might not mean anything to me anymore, but I can still fucking count Adam, and it's only been six months."

   If a mask could pale, he's pretty sure the First Man would have lost several shades of color. Instead, he ground his teeth together angrily and pointed down at Lucifer again. "What the fuck does it matter!? Six months, a year, two days–all of you should just roll over and die already! Especially that annoying bitch beneath you!"

   That's his daughter this stupid idiotic bastard–breathe, breathe, losing his temper won't help this. Blinking up at the angel he shifted a bit in the air, uncrossing his arms and holding his cane tightly in his grip. "Those people beneath me are my daughter, her friends, and souls. They might be sinners damned to this hellhole, but this is still their only home, and mine at that too." He pushed himself up a bit higher, putting him closer to Adam and watching the crazed woman beside him tensing. He hasn't drawn a weapon, but that doesn't mean he isn't a threat.

   "Your daughter is causing problems, Lucifer." Adam snapped, glaring down at him. "Like father like daughter, all you two do is test the limits of Heaven's mercy. If she's not going to shut the fuck up and know her place, we just have to teach her it!"

   Another sharp laugh slipped from his lips, this one filled with far more resentment. "Mercy! Heaven wouldn't know the definition of mercy if Father declared it himself!" Shaking his head he set his angry gaze on Adam. "You pathetic man. Those halos you all covet so much? They don't mean shit! I can see it as plain as day." In a fraction of a second the King of Hell was in front of Adam, horns protruding from his head and tail slashing through the air angrily behind him. His gaze bled red as he stared into the First Man's eyes. "You're prideful and greedy, two reasons that would make you fit in just perfectly here."

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