The Constraints of a Deal

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   It takes the shadow longer than he thought it would to go get Alastor. Longer than Lucifer would have liked it to. The shadow did return first, at least an hour after he had asked it to go get the Radio Demon, and wrapped itself once more around Lucifer. The two of them just continued to sit on the couch, the tension that was coiled tightly around Lucifer practically choking him. The presence of the shadow did help him calm down a little though, the familiar weight of it settled over him a reminder that he wasn't alone. His tears eventually died down and he wiped his face with the sleeve of his jacket, still not wanting to move but feeling at least more stable.

   He doesn't know how long they sat there for, but it was long enough his body started to cramp from how stiff he was. The shadow hadn't moved even an inch, draped over him almost like a blanket. When Lucifer turned his head to look at it, the creature did move back, settling to a place where he could properly see it. "I'm alright now, thank you." The shadow did not appear to believe him and it certainly didn't move away. If anything, he's fairly certain it pushed itself closer to him. Lucifer sighed and leaned back finally, trying to stretch his body back out. "You're very cute, but I do think I need to get up and change."

   He sees the shadow shift beside him a little and then shake its head, apparently deciding for him that he didn't need to do that. Huffing out a breath he eyed the creature and then tilted his head to the side, allowing it to crawl over top of him as it apparently saw fit. "Mhm, are you supposed to be keeping me right here or something?"

   "Indeed it is."

    Ah. Lucifer picked his gaze up from the shadow to the middle of his workshop, taking in the sight of the Radio Demon still dressed in those wine purple colors. At least this was a nicer shade of purple than what he's had to deal with all day. "Alastor." The bit of tension that had still been clinging tightly at him finally started to ease and Lucifer leaned forward on the couch, forcing the shadow back from him. "Took you a while to get here."

   "My apologies, when Lilith came back I didn't believe it was appropriate to leave Charlie alone yet." Which he would have preferred anyway, keeping an eye on whatever Lilith is going to be doing until he can figure out how to control this was important. The stress was starting to coil back around him and the King of Hell leaned the reset of the way forward, propping his elbow up on his thighs and dropping his head into his hands.

   "What did she do?"

   "From what I could tell, nothing really. She was just talking to Charlie and helping her socialize at the Ball. I kept an eye on her all the way until she and Charlie departed for the night. Lilith is staying at the Hotel, I am not sure for how long." Lucifer nodded his head at the words. She was probably staying until either she got Charlie to stop trying to rehabilitate Sinners, or until Michael made another step. "Before I left, Sire, Charlie asked me to inquire if you are going to return to the Hotel."

   "Not right now." Lucifer shook his head and picked it up slightly, lacing his fingers together and resting his chin on them as he stared at one of the ducks on the floor rather than Alastor. "I can't. I don't know if I can bring myself to do it while she's there either."

    "If you do that, you realize you are letting her win, right?" Alastor took a few steps toward him, drawing Lucifer's gaze up toward him. "If you hide away here again you are giving her exactly what she wants. Free reign of the Hotel and Charlie. Is that what you wish to do?" His lips pressed together and the Radio Demon took another step closer. "What you truly need to do right now is pick your head up, stand with the confidence you should have and smile like you mean it. Because right now, everything is hanging on the line. Charlie and if this goes where the angels probably want it to, Hell itself."

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