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   "Would you stop that already?" Alastor's head snapped over toward the wall, eyes clicking into radio dials as he stared his own shadow down. "You pathetic creature, I don't understand why the moment when he leaves the room you start whining and wanting to chase after him." The shadow cowered back, slinking further into the ground to avoid the Radio Demon's anger. Once it was properly back where it was meant to be he calmed himself down and pulled his pocket watch out to check the time. "Lucifer is in his office, he is perfectly fine, and we have six hours before this ridiculous date." Snapping the pocket watch shut he glanced at the shadow again. "I believe a visit to Rosie is needed."

   Cannibal Town is always a place that brings Alastor a sense of comfort. The Sinners that resided there were quite familiar with him, and of course his favorite places in Hell were there. Rosie's shop being the main one, but then there were the few restaurants in Hell he enjoys too. In the last several weeks since his deal with the King of Hell where he's needed to babysit him, Alastor had been spending quite a bit of time in Cannibal Town talking to Rosie. Usually they did have the normal cup of tea in the afternoon about three times a week, but at this point they've been nearly daily. Not that Rosie minds, the Overlord enjoyed whatever he brought to her door to talk about.

   Which has been, endlessly lately, Lucifer.

   Their deal is very beneficial to him, as is putting himself in the King's favor. There was so much of this that Alastor could use, though he had been careful about using his end after warning Lucifer had initially given him. While Alastor had thought he was lying to him, when he had actually pulled the Archangel's magic into him to make the shield for the Hotel, he had felt what Lucifer meant. The King of Hell was far more than he appears. The amount of magic at his disposal was truly incredible... and wasted.

   Regardless, he certainly learned his lesson there. To be careful about how much of Lucifer's magic he used to boost his own. Besides, it wasn't as if he needed it constantly. On his own Alastor was powerful, something he had worked very hard to achieve, he only needed the devil's power as a fail safe. There can be demons stronger than him, and should that instance ever arise, he has a back up plan. No need to waste the element of surprise, or over use it and give Lucifer an excuse to want to break the deal. Not that such an idea even seems to be a flicker of thought in his mind.

   If the radio broadcast was anything to go by, very clearly to some extent, he trusts Alastor. That wasn't hard to earn at all either. Just a few placed nice words, some allowances given, that annoying shadow clinging to him and it was clear the King of Hell enjoyed being around him. He had said so himself.

    "I like you." "I do care."

   Words that should absolutely grate on his skin and annoy him more than any other.

   So why don't they?

   The shadow had practically preened under such words, looking like it wanted to crawl into Lucifer's lab and absorb whatever affection the King of Hell was going to offer it. How pathetic and tedious.

   Rosie's shop finally came into view and he pulled the door open, slipping inside and spotting the Overlord behind her counter. When she saw him a wide grin spread across her face and she offered a polite wave. "Alastor, darlin'!"

   "Rosie dear, how are you this fine afternoon?"

   "Very well, are you here for some tea?"

   "With your lovely company if you have the time. I'll take a seat and wait for you to finish up with your customers."

   Rosie gave him an eager nod and Alastor made his way over toward the table that they usually preferred. He eased himself down into the chair and twisted his microphone cane around to rest against the wall beside him. While he waited for Rosie to finish up in her shop, he popped the book he had been reading that morning into his hand and started to peruse his way through it. It takes her a little under half an hour to close her shop up and chase the rest of the customers out. Alastor in that time learns the most delightful recipe for dicing up a liver in a stew.

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