Chapter 2: A little favour

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It has been two days since Penny's nasty breakup. It was the beginning of another week and I was already exhausted.
"Hey girl". Kim greeted taking a seat next to me on the couch. Her camera was still  wrapped around my neck and she had a magazine in her hands.
" hi". I responded. It was almost 7oclock and I was starving and exhausted.
"You look like shit", she commented, taking off her sneakers.
"Geez Kim. Thanks ". I said unamused to which she giggled.
"Now you know how tiring my job is". She snickered again, clearly enjoying my misery.
Let's go back  to a few hours ago

The cafe was quite busy which was much expected since it was a Monday morning.
The place was full of people clad in business attires , college and high-school students,and some mothers with their children who decided to buy some pastries and cupcakes for their kids.
Monday mornings were always hectic. It was ,after all, the first day of the week. The day that snapped people back into reality and reminded them of the lives they have to get back to. The day that prepared them for the long week ahead.
I stepped out of my office and helped out by running the cash register.
I watched  as Lillian, the one who normally is behind the bar took people's orders and uncomfortably tried to make  conversation.
That girl was such an introvert and from the scowl on her face, it was no surprise that she was also part of the people who hated Mondays.
Henry stood at the corner of the restaurant taking orders and he looked so carefree and happy, unlike Lilian.
Jay's Homey Cafe is one of my greatest achievements. I opened the cafe last year and it has been doing great. Many people think that it was handed over to me by a relative but that is not true. I worked hard to make it come into fruition and I will continue to work hard to make sure that it keeps thriving and growing.
With awe, I looked at the features of the cafe. It was surrounded by glass windows that allowed one to see outside. The windows had the name of the restaurant written on it in curvsie in red. There were also some table and chairs outside for customers who prefer outside to inside. Hailey, another of my employee was there serving the customers outside.
The door of the cafe was made with glass and wood and like other shops on this street, had a tag that read open hanging from it. A few feet opposite the door was the counter. It had a bit of little stools adjacent towards it that made it look like a bar. The cash register and me stood behind it with coffee cups, straws, and spoons stacked neatly on it for customers who might want an extra one.
Then directly behind me were the coffee machine and expresso machine. Booths were placed in the middle space of the cafe. There was a book stand placed in one of the corners of the restaurant for those who love to read. There was also a plant in another corner of the cafe. There were quotes of steadfastness and strength on the wall for those who were tired of this cruel world and needed a bit of motivation to push forward,and a picture of the best employee on the wall. It was quite homey all thanks to Penny who decorated here by herself and I'm real proud of myself.
A little ding from the bell brought me back to reality and I watched in shock as Elliott Grey walked towards me.
Oh my gosh, it freaking Elliott Grey. I fun-girled internally.
Okay Jayna, don't freak out. It's only Elliot Grey. Be normal, be normal. I scolded myself.
He walked towards the counter and flashed me a smile and I swear then and there , I melted into a puddle.
Que internal fan-girl screaming
"Hi, can I get a cup of black coffee and a croissant ". He ordered.
His voice was much better than how it sounded on TV. It was deep and smooth and husky all at the same time. I took a look at his outfit, obviously checking him out. He was dressed in a grey suit which complimented his blue eyes really well. The shirt of the suit was opened just a bit so one can see just a little portion of his hot chest. His hair was left in its signature look, messed yet styled enough to look casual. He had a gold role watch on his hand and a gold chain on his neck.
"Sure". I whispered a little breathless and overwhelmed by everything. 
I took a coffee cup and turned around to make his coffee, much aware of the pair of icy blue eyes on me.
After I was done with the coffee, I grabbed a fresh, croissant from Gary who was working in the kitchen. I packaged it neatly and handed him his order.
"Thanks a lot sweetheart. Cute shirt". He commented and made his way out.
Trust me when I say this, I'm not one to easily blush but when one sees a very handsome, young successful and famous personality in his or her cafe, who calls them sweetheart and compliments their shirt, one is bound to blush.
"Oh my gosh, Jay, did Elliott Grey just walk out of your cafe". Kim said, coming out of nowhere and taking a seat on one of the bars.
I looked around and realised that Kim was not the only one who saw Elliott Grey in my shop from the stares people were giving and the excited buzz coming from the customers.
"Yh". I answered casually.  I realised the morning rush was slowly dying and the number of people on the restaurant had reduced drastically.  I looked at the clock and realised it was 9:30.
"What are you doing here?" I asked Kim.
"Hello to you too bestie", she greeted cheerfully.
"Don't you have celebrities to be chasing?" I asked referring to her job. Kimberley was a paparazza who worked for E News, Newyork.
She was well-known in her field of job for her ability to write one hell of a story and she sometimes organised talk shows and interviews with some celebrities.
"Yh, actually that's why I'm here?" She said before taking a latte out of one of the trays Henry held to which he casted her an annoyed glare.
For some reason, Kimberley liked annoying Henry She said he reminds her of one of her cousins.
"What about your work". I asked as she made way for a man to order.
"Well I need a favour". She said nervously to which I immediately said no.
"Come on Jayna, please". She pleaded but I already had my back turned towards her as I made the man his order.
"Jay, do not ignore me". I gave the man his order and I gave her a pointed glare. The one that was aimed to ginger her memory about the last time i did her a favour and by the guilty expression she gave me, I knew my point was well made.
"It's not that kind of favour, I promise". She said.
Last month, Jayna had me go on a blind date as her since she had no interest in the guy whatsoever. The guy knew nothing about her only the fact that she was called Kimberley and worked as a paparazza and a writer.
Let's just say it was horrible and I was groped and force into a goodnight kiss by the man.
"Please Jay, please", she pleaded casting me her puppy dog eyes which she knew I wouldn't be able to resist.
My strong urge to deny weaken a bit.
"I'll even pay the house rent this month", she suggested and any fibre in my body that was screaming at me to reject the offer disappeared.
Penny, Kim and I lived together in decent and modest house. We took turns in paying the month so one can save more money on other stuff rather than using all to pay the rent.
This month was my turn, much to my dismay but if Kim offers to pay it, that means I can save more money to buy an open space which was thirty minutes away from the cafe to open a bakery.
"I'm listening ". I responded to which she squealed and threw herself at me over the counter.

This is ridiculous.  I thought as I felt myself clamped between two mascular bodies. I struggled and pushed myself away from them only to be hit in my side by some cameras.
There was so much noise and I couldn't even hear myself think. My arm hurt for carrying the camera for that long trying to take shots of all that was happening.
I heard a car screech to a halt and the noise got louder as camera's begin to flash all around me.
People started pushing and I don't know  how but miraculously,  I was pushed to the front. I aimed my camera, well Kim's camera ready to snap whoever it was that stepped out of the black car, when suddenly I was pushed so violently, I fell out of the territory of the paparazzi and landed on my knees, the camera landed a few distance away from me.
I saw a pair of shoes suddenly stand infront of me and a lended hand.
I heard the noise become more intense but I was a bit flustered about everything that happened a few minutes ago.
I accepted the hand and I was tugged gently to my feet.
"Are you okay?" A voice asked and I could recognise that smooth voice from earlier this morning.
"Oh, Elliott, hi". I said nervously, a little bit embarrassed by all that happened.
"Sweetheart" , he said a bit surprised.
This was the favour Kim needed from me. She told me a new celebrity arrived in town yesterday and a press conference will be organised.  She had to interview another celebrity one-on-one but she didn't want to miss this one too. She gave me her recorder, camera and a bunch of questions to ask the celeb.
"I thought you were a barrister". He questioned.
I was about to respond when a hand tapped me and signalled me back towards where all the others were.
I turned to bid goodbye to Elliott but saw he was a bit occupied as a man spoke to him.
I went back towards the others but this time I was pushed to the back.
The place suddenly became quiet and soon, people started calling out questions individually to which he answered.
I switched on the camera and started recording.
I sighed looking at the time on my wrist watch, hoping this interview would end soon.

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