Chapter 9: The Details

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It had been three days since the charity event. I hadn't heard anything from Elliott and I didn't know whether it was a good thing or bad thing.
"Leon" I hesitated before stepping into the room. I hadn't heard a thing from him for days and I was worried.
I was currently in his house. The door was wide open so I let myself in.
I heard voices coming from the living room and my feet followed.
"Leon." I called out to him. He was seated with a bunch of guys playing video games.
"Jayna." He said bewildered. "Escuse me guys".
He took my hand and dragged me to his room.
"What are you doing here Jay." He asked.
Feeling a bit stupid for just barging in, I sat on his bed."I was worried."
"Worried" he said with a raised brow.
I sighed. "I haven't heard from you for days Leon. And, you're my boyfriend, I'm bound to be worried."
He took a seat by the bed and flicked my nose.
"Ow." I groaned covering it.
"That's sweet Jay, but as you can see, I'm alright. Its only been two days." He responded.
I nodded understanding. "Sometimes, I just need space." He added. My head whipped to face him.
"Space." I echoed puzzled.
"Yes Jayna, Sometimes, I need space from you. You always want to know where I am and what I'm doing, it's annoying." He said.
"That's because I care about you Leon." I said with gritted teeth, getting up.
"You're too clingy." He yelled, standing up as well.
I was hurt. I'm not gonna lie. I was just worried about him. I just cared. And he thinks I'm clingy. Really?
"I'm sorry Jay. But it's the truth." He continued.
"Okay, sure. If I'm a bit clingy for you, I'll just leave." I walked towards the door but he grabbed my hand.
"No don't leave, please."
End of flashback

We were currently eating dinner and I knew I had to tell the girls now. Better deal with their drama now than later in the future.
Hesitately, I clinged my fork to my wine glass, drawing their attention.
Penny had her mouth open and Kim just spotted a smirk on her face.
It was a tradition among us. Whenever any of us is facing guy problems,  we cling our cutlery to our glass. Kim brought it up during our college years and it stuck since then.
"This has something to do with Elliott, doesn't it." Kim said smugly.
"Yes." I responded.
"When did this happen." Penny asked curiosly, her eyes still held amazement I wish I could scrub off.
"The charity event."
"So that's where you disappeared to." Penny said in thoughts.
I told them what happened. Leaving no detail out, from when he declared his want for me, to him observing me for a year to the kiss and they both listened attentively.
"So, you kissed him." Penny said with wide eyes.
I nodded.
"And he stalked you." Kim said.
I nodded again.
"And you told him to prove to you that he wants you." Penny said again, this time with a little giggle of amusement.
I nodded.
"Danm girl." Kim said, equally amazed.
"Isn't it a bit too much." Penny asked.
"Nothing is a bit too much Pen. We're not in high-school anymore." Kim replied.
"But from how he spoke, I don't think he only wants to date you Jay." Penny responded to what Kim said.
Kim looked confused, my expression mirroring hers.
"I think he's talking about marriage." She continued.  I choked on my wine.
Penny tapped my back, whilst Kim encouraged me to drink more.
"Think about it guys. He's known you for a year. He couldn't get you out of his system. He wants to prove to you that he's the right choice for you." Penny continued after I calmed down.
"You're going a bit too far Pen". Kim said.
"I think it's sexy when a man knows what he wants." Kim said after a while.
"What about you Jay. How do you feel about all of this." Penny asked.
I sighed. How exactly did I feel. I knew there was something between us. The way he made me feel, no one has ever made me feel like that before, not even Leon. I was so new to the way my body was reacting towards him.
"I'm attracted to him." That was my answer. Honest and simple.
Kim squealed hugging me from her seat.
"I'm so proud of you."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes with a little smile. They are too dramatic
"I still can't believe that The Elliott Grey, the youngest rich and handsome business man of Newyork, stalked you." Penny said with a chuckle.
"All is fair in love and war." Kim replied.
"Kim, why were you so insistent on me giving Elliott a chance." I asked her.
She flashed me a guilty smile and laughed nervously.
"Kim." I had a glare on my face as I called her out.
"Fine. I may or may not have known about Elliott liking you a year ago and keeping tabs of you." She said it so fast and in one breath, I almost didn't get it.
"What." I exclaimed shocked.
"Please don't be mad." She pleaded.
"You sold me out." I said again.
"I did not sell you out Jay. I just told him how you were doing once in a while and  gave him encouragement." She argued her point.
Seeing she was getting nowhere, she continued.
"I'm sorry Jay. I did it for you. And Elliott's not that bad. Please don't be mad, please. The guy had been trying so hard but you never noticed him. I'm sorry." She flashed me a pair of puppy dog eyes and a little pout.
I rolled my eyes with a little smile.
"Fine. You're forgiven." She beamed at me and pulled me into another hug.
"I'm happy for you Jay. I think it's good. Elliott sounds like a sincere and honest guy, exactly what you need. Who knows, he might help you more than you expected." Penny said. I nodded, still thinking about what happened.
"Okay guys, dinner is over." I announced and started picking up their empty places.

I stirred awake. It was still dark and I knew exactly what time it was.
5 o'clock on the dot
You're probably wondering how I knew and why I was up so early.
I have Aunt Hannah to thank for that. I remember all the painful mornings of my childhood.
The early bird catches the worm. I could almost imagine her standing over me, repeating those lines all the while waking me up with her rag.
As soon as it was 4:59, she was in my room waking me up. By five, I was up and ready to start my day, much to my dismay.
After many mornings filled with groans, anger and tears, i slowly got used to it and soon, it became a habit, much to my dismay.
I yawned and stretched, breathing in relief as I felt by bones crack. The room was pitch dark and I basked in the darkness.
Slowly, and still in a sleep-induced state, I stripped out of my pajamas and covered myself up with my robe. I entered through a door in the room entering the dark bathroom.
I fiddled for the light switch and switched on the lights after finding it, hissing at the bright light that took over the room.
With squinted eyes, i adjusted the temperature of the water to warm, passing time on the toilet as I waited for the water to warm up.
After I was done with my business,  I slipped out of my robe, hanging it on the rack where I had hanged my towel.
I walked into the shower and turned the norb, sighing in relief as the warm water hit my skin.
Slowly, my eyes opened and sleep completely abandoned my body. I was filled with energy and a new adrenaline to experience another day.
I washed my blonde hair first, before scrubbing off the dirt off my body with my sponge.
I had my towel wrapped around my body and another around my hair,and made my way towards the sink. Thanking God for a new day. I brushed my teeth. I slipped back into my robe when I was done and went back into my bedroom.
I switched on the lights in my bedroom and sat infront of my vanity table and decided to skip my morning run.
I did my skin care routine and walked towards my closet.
I took out a black skinny jeans and a white sleeveless blouse. I pulled a grey cardigan over it and wore a pair of black leather ankle boots that had a little heel.
I blew dry my wet hair and tied it into a high ponytail. I picked up my purse and grabbed my phone and checked the time. It was six o'clock.

I walked out of my room, switching the lights off and closing the door behind me. I knew Kim and Penny were still  asleep and would still be , atleast for an hour.
I dropped my purse in the living room and headed towards the kitchen. I opened the windows, took out an apron and got to work.
I was so lost in the scent of freshly cooked pancakes and sizzling bacon that I didn't notice when Kim and Penny came towards the kitchen.
"Hey, Good morning." I greeted with a smile. Penny smiled back while Kim just groaned
She wasn't much of a morning person.
I passed a plate of pancakes and bacon to Kim who groaned again in response. Rolling my eyes, I poured out three mugs of freshly brewed coffee and added a spoon of sugar to each with extra creamer for Penny and normal creamer for Kim and I.
I passed them both their mugs. I gave Penny a plate of pancakes and bacon and took some for myself.
"Thanks Jay." Penny smiled.
I smiled back. It was something i found comfort in doing so i didnt mind at all. We ate in comfortable silence for a while.
"Any interesting plans for the week." I asked.
"Yes, Mama Barca called." Kim said with a mouth full of pancakes.
Penny dropped her fork against her plate, a loud cling echoing through the kitchen.
I turned my neck to face her so fast, I thought I got a whiplash.
"What." I said.
Kim grimaced and nodded. Mama Barca was Kim's mother and the 20th to the throne of Spain. She was a high-maintenance woman who didn't understand why we decided, especially her daughter, to live in a boring one storey house when we all came from affluent families.
"Believe it or not guys, she's coming over on Wednesday." Kim continued.
"She's coming all the way from Spain to New York." Penny said still not believing it.
"Yep." Kim nodded
Penny groaned. I could just imagine Mama Barca. With her tanned skin and dark hair tied in an elegant bun, jewellery on her ears, arms and around her slender neck screaming luxury.
She will probably come with Harry, her butler who never leaves her side.
"Well, my exams is this week." Penny said after a while.
"Which exam?" Kim questioned.
"The one which decides whether I'm worthy of working with Buy Shelter. Co not just as an intern, but as an employee ." She continued.
I nodded in understanding.
"So what kind of exam is it?" Kim asked.
"A practical. I'm supposed to choose a design for a house. From the layout to the decoration." She said, her eyes burning with excitement and a bit of anxiousness.
"Well you have nothing to worry about Pen, you're going to ace it." I said with a confident smile.
Penny was the best interior designer I know. After all, she single handedly designed my cafe. I knew she was going to pass.
"True. Ashley Fisher got nothing on you." Kim added.
"Thanks guys, you're the best." Penny said with a little smile.
"Damn right." Kim said cockily to which I just chuckled.

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