Chapter 12: A Spanish family reunion

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"Guys, do you remember this picture." Penny said with a giggle. In the picture, Kim was covered in flour, and she had a determined look on her face as she whisked something.
I laughed out loud as I recalled the memory.
"She said she was baking a cake." I said laughing louder. Kim was a horrible cook. On that day, she woke up suddenly determined to make something good and locked herself in the kitchen the whole day. I sneaked in when she wasn't looking and took a photo of her.
Kim had a little smile on her face as she gazed at the picture.
Penny laughed harder, pointing at the next picture.
In that one, Kim had a hopeful expression as she watched Penny take a bite of the slob she had made.
"It was the worst thing I had ever tasted." Penny said.
We were on the couch, going through our photo album.
"It wasn't that bad." Kim said with a giggle.
"You're right. It was more than bad." I said with a laugh.
"What exactly were you thinking." Penny asked.
"I don't even know. I was very determined to make the best cake ever." Kim replied.
"You have a lot of skills, Kim, but cooking is not one of them. Why don't we leave that one to Jay." Penny said cheekly.
"Great, Pen. Why don't you just compare me with someone who owns a cafe and attended culinary school instead of an actual college." Kim said with fake enthusiasm, causing me to let out a chuckle.
"Cooking was never quite her thing." Mama B appeared from behind us and took a seat on the couch opposite us.
"I remember when she was five, I tried making pancakes with her and escused myself for a few minutes." Mama B said, a faraway look in her eyes and a little smile on her face as she recalled the memory.
We were all quiet, and our attention focused on her as we waited for her next words.
"When I came back, Little Kim had somehow managed to start a fire." Mama B said and chuckled.
"But look at you now, my dear, you're not so little anymore, are you? My little girl is all grown up." She said, looking at Kim with love and pride shining through her eyes.
"You're a lot like your father. Stubborn, passionate, loving, and confident. You don't allow people's opinions to get to you and you fight for the people you love." Mama B continued.
"I know I don't say it much, but I'm so proud of the woman you are today." Mama B said and sniffled.
"I love you, Kim." Mama B said with a smile."Mama." Kim got up and hugged her mother.
Harry came out from behind her and gave her a handkerchief, stepping back after she collected it.
"You always knew what you wanted, even from a young age. You never cared about the etiquette and ballet classes I enrolled you in. Instead, you were so persistent on taking self-defensive and acting lessons instead. You went against all the dreams and ambitions I had for you when you decided to study at Julliard."
Mama B said and let out her first sob for the night.
" I was always taunted by the family because of how I brought you up. They all thought you were not going to make it far in life, but I believed in you, Kim. I never stopped believing. Every night, before I went to sleep, I prayed to God almighty to bless you with success. I knew I couldn't just sit and watch my enemies win, and He didn't fail me." Mama B said with a smile of happiness, despite the tears streaming down her face.
"I'm so proud of you, Kimberley. I'm so happy to be your mother." Mama Barca sobbed.
Kim had tears streaming down her face too as she hugged her mother tightly.
"I know you hate the idea of marrying a man you don't know. I did everything I could to prevent the marriage, but I couldn't. I don't even know what your abuelo was thinking, getting you bethroled like that in my absence." Mama B said angrily. Kim hugged her tighter, tears falling from her own eyes.
"I had no idea about it. I just suddenly got a call from this mysterious man about a betrothal. I thought he was even on drugs, but then he sent me a contract that had your abuelo's signature on it, and I had no idea." Mama B sobbed.
"It's okay Mama." Kim reassured her.
"It's okay." She whispered again.
I felt as if I was intruding into an intimate and private affair, watching the mother and daughter duo cry over something they have no control over.
"I will never stop believing in you. I know this marriage won't be your downfall. If anything, it will be your uprising cause that's the kind of woman you are. Don't be discouraged, my dear. Any man will be blessed to have you as a wife."
Mama B said and pulled away, hope shining in her eyes.
Kim responded in Spanish and pulled her mother into another hug.
She murmed words to her mother in Spanish, consoling the crying woman.
"I'm sorry mi pequeña bebe." Mama Barca kept repeating while Kim held on to her.

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