Meeting Humans/Chrismas Time: Mikey

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You say in the living room, watching Super Robo Mecha Force Five, you and your father's favorite shows. You munched on a saltine cracker when two humans walked in. You stared, widen eyed at them, then one of them took of the hockey mask. You screamed, thinking he took his ACTUAL FACE OFF and ran into the dojo where your uncles, grandfather, and dad were. You cried into your dad's plastron as the two humans walked in. "What did you guys do?!" Mikey said and frowned while patting your back and hugging you. "I just took of my mask. Then she screamed and ran out!!" Casey said. You looked up at the two of them and noticed one was a girl and the other was a guy.

"(Y/N), this is April, and the one who scared you, Casey", Mikey said. April smiled at you and patted you back. "I'm sorry Casey scared you half to death", she said and gave him a death glare. He tensed up as Donnie held back a laugh.

You played in the dojo for a little, then Mikey looked at the clock. "Time for bed, monkey!" He said and picked you up. You waved to everyone as Mikey dragged you to your room, changed your diaper, tucked to in, kisses your forehead goodnight, turns the light out, and walked out, shutting the door.

The next morning, you woke up the other amazing aroma of baked cookies and gingerbread. You threw a pen at the door as Mikey walked in. He picked you up and took out. There was a tree decorated with popcorn and cranberries with presents underneath. You smiled as opened your presents and had a great Christmas.

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