Part 12: Abandoned

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"Make yourself at home, at least for now." Zadie said, while looking around. They still needed to find Blake, but in the meantime. It was safer to stay somewhere for shelter. They had ran about, she would say forty minutes from the town. It wasn't the safest. Though, the chances of him coming in this direction are low, but never zero.

They needed to get out, they needed to find Blake. But it wasn't that simple. Zadie thought of what to do, if I was a dumb asshole, where would I go? Definitely somewhere.

"This place is in the middle of the fucking woods. How are we supposed to live here, it's all dusty and shit." Emily said looking around. God, would she want to go back there and get killed. Or live. "Language. And it's better than getting shot, so." Emily rolled her eyes at the response.

The place wasn't big, it was one small room. A dusty fireplace on the right wall and a wooden chair facing it. There were a couple bookshelves, with barely any books. Most likely someone stole all the books and furniture. All the windows had been broken, shaders of glass was along the wooden floor. Zadie was barefoot, so she had to be careful where she walked. As Emily had gotten closer to the wooden chair, she had seen if she had even sat on it the chair would probably collapse.

"How old are you?" Zadie asked, while slowly walking around. Emily turned her head towards Zadie after she had asked. "Eighteen." She answered. "How about you?" Emily looked at her, waiting for an answer to be given. "Same age as you." Zadie looked at the broken window. Outside was just tall spruce trees. At least they were both the same age, though, not so much on the same page.

"Who was that guy? You know, the one that left you." Emily asked.

"You mean the dumbass? That's Blake, his brain is the size of air, and he doesn't know how to solve a case. The conclusion is he's a dumb bitch." Emily chuckled. Then she thought. "How are you going to get on me for cussing, but you cuss like a trucker." Emily's tone sounded defensive. Emily had a point. Zadie tried to come up with an answer, but couldn't. She had a good damn point. "I'm not cussing, I'm spitting facts." Zadie crossed her arms. "Well, if that's what you call it. I'm going to spit facts to." Emily gave her a glare. Zadie rolled her eyes. "Fine, just don't do it too much."

"Shit." Zadie whispered.

Emily was able to hear her, her eyes looked over to her. Emily's eyes grew in a bit of concern. "What?" She asked confused. Emily walked over to her. "It's just. I need something from my home, it's extremely important." Zadie needed the Marilyn's diary. Maybe there was something important in the pages she missed. What was this secret her parents held? She had honestly forgot about it, her mind had been more focused on the killer these past couple days.

"You mean you need to go back there? After the shooter, there's no way in hell you're going over there." Emily showed genuine concern for Zadie. I mean no wonder, there was just a maniac in that town, and she wanted to go back?

"Well I need to get it somehow. Have any other ideas?" They was a long pause before Zadie broke it. "Exactly." Zadie took a deep breath "Just, stay safe, don't go anywhere. If, I don't come back, stay here and be safe." Zadie flashed a smile before going out the almost broken door. Emily pulled Zadie's arm, making her stop.

"Are you fucking insane?" Emily thought this was a terrible idea, going out to a town that just had a psycho shooter in. Everyone had to leave the town because of that killer. "Yeah a little bit, why?" Zadie said, pulling back her arm.

"Well, if you're going, then I am to." Emily wanted her to at least be safe. Sure, they could die, but at least it was together. Right? Emily was still worried either way. She didn't want to be alone, but she didn't want to go over there. But she wanted both herself and her to be safe. She did rescue her after all, she really could have been killed. But if she died, she died, there's not much you can do about that. Emily believes that everything happens for a reason.

"Hell to the no." Zadie quickly said without hesitation.

There was absolutely no way in hell that she would allow Emily to come. She just saved her, she wasn't about to keep an eye on her too. It would be easier if she just stayed here, it would be safer, obviously.

Emily knew she would probably not agree. But she wasn't going to give up that easily. "Please, I won't cause any problems. I'll follow and listen to your every word and move. Promise." Emily held out her pinky, waiting for her to hopefully take it and agree. Zadie was still absolutely not taking her. Zadie shewed her hand away. "Yeah, I'll agree when pigs fly into the fucking air. Nice try though." Zadie left the house before a word could leave Emily's mouth.

Emily scoffed. Emily knew her goal, and her goal was to make sure Zadie didn't get shot. Zadie really didn't think she was going to give up, Zadie knew she would probably follow her, which she was right. Emily looked through the broken window, waiting for Zadie to go out of sight.

Zadie closed the door and started walking. She felt eyes on her, like someone was staring at her. She knew for a fact who it was. Zadie turned the corner to the rode, Emily opened the door.

Zadie walked on the side of the rode. There was no cars in sight, just a rode surrounded by a big forest. "Please, please, I beg, help me. My child, I- I'm pregnant. Please." Zadie heard a whisper from the forest.

She turned her head, startled to see a middle aged woman. She was crawling, dark red liquid spilling from her body. "Please, m- my child. H- help me." The woman stuttered in her speaking. Zadie thought about her response.

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