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Friendship is a bond of trust,
A gentle hand when you're in need.
It's the kindness that lights the dark,
A heart that gives with humble heed.

Friendship is the warmth of a smile,
A gesture that brings comfort near.
It's more than what you give in return,
It's a quiet presence, sincere.

Friendship is the ear that listens,
The voice that guides with gentle grace.
It's holding hands through rough and smooth,
Offering support in every place.

Friendship is a haven of strength,
A refuge where no judgments lie.
It's the shared moments of joy and pain,
And the laughter beneath the sky.

Friendship is the gift of time,
A treasure that grows with the years.
It's the unspoken understanding,
And the wiping away of tears.

Friendship is a rare, priceless gem,
Worthy of care and affection.
It's a journey of giving and growing,
A deep, abiding connection.

In every way, both big and small,
Friendship reveals its true face.
It's a gift to cherish and hold dear,
A treasure we find in our own pace.

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