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Once upon a time, in a land far away,
A fairytale unfolded, where dreams held sway.
A princess in a tower, a dragon to slay,
A knight in shining armor, to save the day.

The forest whispered secrets, the stars above,
Magic in the air, the power of true love.
Enchanted castles, where wishes come true,
A world of wonder, where skies are never blue.

But danger lurks in shadows, in the dark of night,
Evil witches cackle, in the pale moonlight.
The hero must be brave, must stand and fight,
To protect the innocent, to uphold what's right.

And so the story goes, a timeless tale,
Of courage, of hope, of love that will prevail.
In a world of make-believe, where all is bright,
The fairytale enchants us, with its pure light.

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