Before the Silence Falls

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I'm not good at this.
Not a fan of being noticed
Or being in the spotlight
All it ever brings me is a deep primal fright.

I'm still going to try though.
Of course, I'll never really know how it will go.
But I'll push through and do my best,
While doing what I can because I can't let this rest.

I'm creating this message for the better, not the worst.
Some may take it that way, but they won't be the first.
Not just that, though, because they won't be the last.
At least that's what I hope with my message from the past.

I'm relaxing in my chair with nothing to be afraid of,
Yet here I am fearing this lack of love.
Soon it might be too late to spread my words
Right now, though? It's too early to even hear the birds.

I'm watching a video about an apology,
Not for what that one person did but for everybody.
He said sorry for the acts done under the cover called progress,
But, of course, it didn't mean much; most would say it was worthless.

Soon I hope that people will realize
What that man really meant and stop trying to theorize.
I'll put it simple and straight using words we can relate to
We are ending the world. There's almost nothing you can do.

Soon I pray that more will take action,
Preventing the end sure to come, with more than just reaction.
This end, though, is more than just complex,
More than a few words can describe, so much that even I'm perplexed.

Soon I dream that we will begin to change our ways,
Rather than just waiting it out until our final days.
One day soon, there won't be enough time left
Our world will be taken away, as if it was a simple theft.

But rather than soon, I realize that now
Is the time to take action, and it doesn't matter how.
It's time to stop delaying and start the change
It's time to take this more seriously, unlike a day at the range.

I'm waiting for more people to know what they must do,
For those who care and those I can trust.
My message will live on despite the limit of time
I will no longer take for granted this great world of mine.

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