Chapter21: Punishments

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On Thursday morning, Harry was sent to go to Madame Pomfrey immediately after he fainted during Divination. He reminded himself to compliment Fred and George on their inventions. Professor Trelawney was thrilled at first and was certain that he'd had a vision. Eventually, Harry managed to convince her that he had really fainted, but that it was probably caused by the heavy scents inside the classroom and nothing too severe. Ron's worried look followed him when he left through the trap door.

When Harry had reached the hospital wing, Poppy Pomfrey examined him from head to toe, but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. After Harry incidentally mentioned the lack of sleep he was getting since Umbridge's Detentions, she insisted that he went to bed and ordered him to rest till he felt better. Harry smirked when he heard Madame Pomfrey's angry muttering through the door, about "having a word with this irresponsible toad".

Harry quickly changed into the clothes he had worn on his trial. There wasn't too much time left. Of course, he wouldn't really be able to hide that he had been in the ministry. That much was obvious, but for the next hours, no one would bother to search for him just because he wasn't attending his classes.

Harry had thought about just leaving it be. He was certain that the trial would end just like the first time around. He recalled that Sturgis had ended up in Azkaban for one reason or another. But despite Harry knowing how the whole story would end, showing Fudge that he was able to storm into the Ministry even though they didn't bother to invite him was something he couldn't resist. With a last look at the curtains of his dorm, Death pulled Harry through the shadows.

He reappeared inside the ministry, unhurriedly emerging from a dark corner. The flickering light of the torches didn't reach the edge of the corridor where he was standing. It was just the same, which led to the courtroom where he'd had his trial not long ago. While walking through the hallway, Harry realized that he didn't really know where Sturgis' trial would be held. But the luck was on his side. A wizard in a plum-coloured robe rushed past him, cursing under his breath about being late. Harry followed him silently. He walked through a door not too far away from Harry's courtroom.

A few people raised their heads to look at the newcomers. Some of them shot Harry suspicious looks, even more so, when they noticed Death who was wrapped around his neck. But most of them were still talking in hushed voices and took no notice of him. To Harry's interest, he wasn't the only ordinary Wizard inside the courtroom. Harry easily spotted Lucius Malfoy with his blond - almost white - hair, his familiar magic surrounding him in silvery swirls. He was clothed in a similar fashion to Harry. A black suit and equally dark cloak. Every time he shifted, the light of the torches illuminated the exquisite pattern which was woven into the fabric. Probably very expensive, just like one would expect from a wealthy pureblood. His hands were curled around a walking stick with a silver handle, which was shaped like the head of a snake.

Malfoy was chatting with the man next to him. Harry frowned. He recognized the other wizard from somewhere.

Suddenly Harry recalled a vision he'd once had, in which Voldemort had been torturing a Death Eater after he had given him the wrong information. This was Avery, the Death Eater who had told Voldemort about the shelves with the prophecies, only that he forgot to mention that not every person was able to pick up a certain one.

Harry smirked when he recalled what would be waiting for Avery as soon as Voldemort would learn about that fact.

There was also a guy with a visitor's badge and if Harry guessed correctly, this had to be a journalist of the Daily Prophet. He was quite young and had brown hair. He seemed bored but didn't look too bad in his simple suit. Probably a Muggleborn. He was twirling a quill in his hand and stared at his notebook. As if on cue, the journalist raised his head.

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