Chapter40: Death Eaters

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Molten lava ran through his bones, licking his flesh like fire as the dizzying call of the Dark mark pulled on his body and mind. The dark Lord was summoning him. Only the last few months of continuous calls enabled Severus to keep his composure. He swallowed hard, relaxing his fingers that had gripped the edge of the desk without his approval. Severus reached for his wand and with a whispered spell the bloody smears that were staining his forearms disappeared. Carefully Severus pulled down his rolled-up sleeves, hiding the symbol that stood black and demanding against his skin. With gritted teeth, he threw a stasis spell over the gutted toads in front of him. He could already see himself having to throw them away.
All that work for nothing. Severus couldn't help but let the pained noise escape his clenched teeth and when the Dark mark seemingly burned itself deeper into his skin.

Quickly Severus stepped out of the classroom, locking it behind him with a silent spell.
His arm throbbed painfully as he walked with his head raised high, keeping up a swift pace though not too fast to draw any attention. Cold sweat was running down his back as he headed for his office without an outward sign of distress.
But as soon as Severus had reached his rooms he sunk against the door after it had fallen shut behind him.

Severus allowed himself a moment of weakness, exhaling sharply while the pull in his arm persevered. It would not help if he remained where he was, fingers digging into the dark mark that grew more insistent the longer he resisted its call. From experience, he knew that the pain would subside eventually.
Though he also knew that should he ignore the call, a far worse fate would await him. He could feel the black snake writhing beneath his palm, mocking him with its very existence.
Taking another deep breath, he pushed himself from the wall. With well-practised movements, Snape grabbed a handful of floo powder and threw it into the glimmering remains of this morning's fire. Green flames immediately flickered to life, rising to an impressive height before they shrunk to a more manageable level.

"Minerva McGonagall's office," Severus said as he stuck his head into the fire.

The unpleasant spin did nothing to keep nausea at bay which rose and receded in turns with the ebbing insistence of the mark. After a few seconds, Severus was greeted with the sight of a desk or rather the lower half of a desk and a dusty stone floor illuminated by flecks of light.
As soon as the name spilt over his lips Severus heard the scratching of a chair and suddenly feet appeared in his field of vision as they stepped in front of the fireplace.

"Severus!" Minerva's surprised voice was followed by her head as she leaned down and Severus could see her face. A few dark strands had left her usually meticulously coiffed hair which told Snape that she had been worrying about something. Dumbledore most likely. But there were more pressing matters to attend to.

"I have to leave," Severus said curtly. "He summoned me."

Minerva's eyes sparked with concern but she nodded solemnly; her lips pressed into a thin line. "I will inform Albus as soon as I can," she said. "When will you return?"

"I don't know," Severus said. He didn't wait for the witch to answer because another throb of his arm reminded him that time was precious and he pulled his head out of the fire.

As soon as he had straightened up, Severus walked over to his wardrobe. It would at least take a minute to lift the complicated spells that prevented nosy people from discovering what was hidden within it, but the effort was necessary. With Umbridge in the school even more so.

Wordlessly Severus performed a piece of magic which alone should have guaranteed him the post as Defense against the dark arts teacher. Though even after he had lifted the protective spells, a familiar tingling went up his arm - the wards - when he went to retrieve the two items stored beneath the false bottom. A smooth mask stared up at him unblinkingly, resting upon a shadowy robe. Both went into an inner pocket of Severus' cloak. He didn't put them on. Not yet.
Back in his office, Severus' reached into the drawer of his desk – spells too prevented its content to be summoned by magic – and grabbed the leather bag that was stowed in there. Potion vials clinked together before it joined the other items in a pocket.

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