Chapter30: Dumbledore's Army

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The weekend following the article in the Daily Prophet, Harry decided that he would write a letter to the Ministry regarding Sirius' trial.

Two weeks had passed since then. And nothing had come from it.

No answer from the Ministry, no noteworthy occurrence whatsoever if one didn't count Hermione's and Ron's whispering behind his back. Every time Cho greeted him in the hallways - she did it more often nowadays - they exchanged meaningful glances.

Harry couldn't care less.

But during the whole time, Umbridge was a pest. Now that she was High Inquisitor, nothing kept her from punishing students for the most ridiculous things. Only one day after she had been promoted, the first Educational Decree was introduced. It punished students found in possession of a spell check quill. And it wouldn't be the last.
Umbridge handed out detentions as if they were candy. After Educational Decree Number Nine was created – it expelled students found in possession of sweets from "unauthorized suppliers" – Harry spotted Fred and George more often than not plotting in a corner, grim looks on their faces. Not that the Decree could keep them from testing their inventions.

So, when Hermione asked Harry if he had thought about teaching Defence against the Dark Arts, he agreed to do it just to spite the pink toad.

It was the first weekend in October when they were allowed to go to Hogsmeade. It was the date Hermione had set as the first meeting of interested students.

"Where are we even going?" Ron asked after they had just left the grounds of the castle. "The three broomsticks?"

"Oh – no," Hermione said. "No, it's always so busy and loud. I told everyone we would meet in the Hog's Head, the pub you know. It's not on the main road. I think it's a little, well... seedy... but usually, there aren't any students in there, so I don't think anyone is listening."

Harry raised his eyebrows. A group of students would attract way more attention in the Hog's head than in the Three Broomsticks.

They walked down the main street, passing the post office where owls after owls rose into the air and then they spotted the twins together with Lee Jordan in front of Zonko's. Shortly after weaving through a crowd of students, they left the busy street and walked through a small alley until they finally reached the Hog's head.

The building was old and small, and its sign creaked in the cold autumn wind. Harry entered first, while the others hesitated for a moment.

He knew the Hog's head. When Harry had been an Auror he'd sometimes met informants there. In addition to that, it was also a good place to get a drink without attracting too much attention, since someone not showing their face wasn't too unusual in there. At least if one wasn't acting too suspicious. Usually, Harry would've covered his face with the hood of his cloak by now, but today it wouldn't matter.

After he'd stepped through the entrance, Harry walked past the dirty windows until he had reached the very corner of the room. Barely any light fell through the filthy glass. The whole pub was illuminated by candles that were stuck to the rough surface of the wooden tables. Wax was dripping onto the wood and the years of use were clearly visible. Harry quickly got used to the smell that was permeating the air. Something akin to a goat. Hermione was wrinkling her nose as she took in their surroundings.

Harry leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. Death in his snake form was peeking out from under his scarf, while Ron stopped awkwardly next to him. The redhead started to fidget nervously with a loose thread dangling from the worn sleeve of his cloak. Meanwhile, Hermione was still lingering in front of the door. The room was almost empty.
A man was standing at the counter. Harry didn't think he was fully human. His whole head was covered by dirty grey bandages and he was drinking some kind of smoking liquor. The energy surrounding him was weirdly foggy and he hadn't even looked up when they'd entered.

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