Chapter19: Black Bat and Pink Toad

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Harry exhaled and closed his eyes for a moment. A cold wind was blowing through his hair, messing it up even more. He breathed the cool air and tiny raindrops hit his face. People were hurrying over the Hogwarts grounds, heads kept down and scarfs wrapped around their necks, to protect them from the windy weather. For the last hour, he'd been listening to the monotone voice of Professor Binns talking about the giant wars. Being outside was a relief. Harry was one of the few people who hadn't pulled up their hood to protect their faces from the weather.

High above their heads, a Thestral was flying towards the forbidden forest. Harry turned his head and looked at Death, who was standing next to him. The cloudy sky and the cold didn't seem to bother him at all, even less than Harry. He stared into the distance, but Harry knew that Death was aware of him and his thoughts. Gusts of wind pulled on the scarfs and cloaks of the students hurrying over the place. Death's clothes weren't moving at all but nonetheless, his hair seemed like it was.

Harry had learned to associate the movement with Death's wings, which he sometimes noticed from the corner of his eyes. The weather seemed to fit Death in a way. Harry watched a small group of chatting Hufflepuffs walk past them, only to look at Death's profile once more. Harry ached to touch him right now. But trying to approach an invisible being? Harry would look like a maniac if he did so.

Death turned his head and smirked at him knowingly. Harry repressed the urge to stick out his tongue when he felt Death's amusement. "You are an idiot," he muttered into his scarf. Death's smug smirk didn't vanish, but he pressed a kiss on top of Harry's head. Fondness pulsed through the bond, when Death's arms snaked around him. Harry had to keep himself from smiling, but he didn't quite manage it and the corners of his mouth twitched upwards. His resistance broke entirely when Death's nose was still buried in Harry's hair and the being started his familiar purring.

"Hi Harry," someone said all of a sudden. Death raised his head and stared at the person. Harry also turned his head. Possessiveness pulsed through their connection when was faced with Cho Chang.

"Hey Cho," Harry replied and felt Death looming over his shoulder, an icy coldness spreading over his back where the being touched him.

"Um, hey," she said and bit her lip. "Did you have a nice summer?" she asked and shivered. Harry got the vague impression that it wasn't only the weather, but Death's stare that had something to do with it.

"It was okay," Harry said. "How was yours?" He had a hard time dismissing the spiky emotion spreading through their bond.

"Alright, I guess," she said and blushed slightly. Harry suddenly remembered their awkward kiss and date his younger self had endured. The crush he'd had on her since the fourth year had vanished entirely after the day in Madame Puddifoots. All of a sudden Harry could feel Death breathing just next to his ear and neck and a shiver went down his spine. The image of Cho with a slit throat flashed behind his eyes.

"Listen Cho. I know this might come out of the blue, but I'm not interested in you the way I was last year," Harry said hoping that she got the hint. Another breath let his skin tingle. The bastard didn't even need to breathe. Harry was sure, that Death only did it to mess with him.

"Oh," Cho said. Her shoes seemed very interesting to her now. "Okay"

Harry had to admit that he didn't pity her. He should probably pay more attention to Cho since he was trying to keep up appearances.

"Over the last summer, a lot of things have changed, you know. I just wanted you to know. It wouldn't be fair to keep that from you," Harry said inwardly cursing Death, which caused him to pick up on a flash of amusement. Not that he was complaining, when Death nipped on his skin right beneath his ear. The possessive bastard.

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