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A/N: The original author on AO3 has discontinued this story with a summary n basically a outline of what happens afterwards. I will not be writing it on my own bcoz honestly I don't have the talent. So this is end of this story n journey. Thank u all for your love.💖💖💖          -Bookrlove4ever-


It occurred to Harry that he was in very deep shit.

He read up on bonds, oaths and everything of the kind to perhaps find a way to slip out of it, and yet the only thing he learned was that he'd been utterly ignorant in that regard.

Not one soul had ever told him that spitting into your hands before shaking on something was more binding than a simple promise in that that it was only a step beneath the simplest blood oath.

Nothing special happens. Harry reveals a few dates and meet-up places that mean nothing to him. (Also when he shows up first to deliver news to Voldemort's (men)/Voldemort, Voldemort himself is outraged that Sirius' played him, as he isn't able to kill Harry unless Harry no longer spies for him, and brings him information that is useful.) Voldemort says it isn't enough. In his desperation, Harry reveals that Kingsley and Tonks are members of the Order to Voldemort and he tells him that Snape is a spy. Voldemort is very interested in that fact. He doesn't kill Snape because Snape still reveals information about the order if Dumbledore allows it. It's basically a triple game)

Sirius is declared free on his trial.

Christmas. It's the last happy memory in a while.

Harry gets the two-way mirror.

The first week after the holidays, Voldemort holds spying over Harry's head. Harry of course does everything he can to not let Voldemort know about the vow. Voldemort Threatens Sirius - whom he thinks is the head of this operation/or could reveal as a traitor to the order same as Harry if he doesn't continue spying. Threatens to kill Sirius? Maybe? Mocks Harry as a lackey. Or wants to control Harry. And so in a fit of rage also frustrated about his strained relationship with Sirius, Harry kills Umbridge to show that he isn't one of his Death Eaters and to show that he also holds power. It's not a violation of the vow. The dark Mark rises above Umbridge, and a few hours pass. Harry visits Voldemort, smugly waiting for stuff to happen. Some Death Eater runs in, announcing it. Voldemort is PISSED. When Harry has returned to school, Dumbledore has been thrown out of school/said to have been arrested. Only a day later. Fudge blames Dumbledore --> Headline: Dumbledore kills the Ministry representative to pretend that Voldemort is back. He's insane etc. Headlines in the Daily Prophet.

Sirius contacts Harry over the two-way mirror. Harry shows up in Grimmauld Place. Dumbledore is there and there's a meeting. Harry only catches the end of it.

All the while the order becomes restless because viable information has gotten out. Snape is being suspected. He's in a bad mood. Harry knows this bcoz he overhears a conversation in Grimmauld place.

Afterwards, Sirius and he have a proper falling-out when Harry admits to killing Umbridge. Even though he dislikes Umbridge. Remus is perhaps surprisingly happy about it. God riddance? Because he knows how fucked up Harry was and how Sirius couldn't see it etc. Etc.

Harry returns to school. Dementors are swarming it. the school. Harry remains in school. Voldemort is still pissed and sends headaches.

Dumbledore thinks Harry is possessed. Sirius is angry with Harry. Harry stays in school out of pettiness, because there he is protected from Voldemort (headaches though) and can piss Dumbledore off who no longer works there. He cuddles a lot with Death.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 13 hours ago ⏰

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