Chapter25: Among the Wolves

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Dry leaves rustled beneath their feet with every step they took. At least when Harry or Sirius moved. Despite Death being corporal, his steps were silent as he followed Harry like a shadow.

"You know, if I had known that you didn't really know where they are either, I would've thought twice about coming with you," Sirius started somewhere behind him.

"Hey, it was you who demanded that we approach them by foot," Harry stated over his shoulder. "And by the way, I don't think that it's going to take that much longer."

Harry had found out the hard way, that locating someone you were connected to didn't compare in the least to searching someone else. It wasn't like he hadn't tried to find Remus.

While Sirius had looked at the maps and notes the Order had left in their headquarters to narrow his position down, Harry had tried to reach out with his senses.

But there'd been just so much going on around him... He could feel the moths swarming the streetlights outside, the sleeping neighbours, rats inside the walls and the wards of Grimmauld Place which had been pulsing with energy.

Harry was drowning in all the different life forces surrounding him. He hadn't even known how much he tuned out on a daily basis till he really opened his senses. His mind had snapped back and forth, but without a line - a thread to guide him, he wouldn't be able to find Remus. Harry had had to accept, that - while he could cover a certain distance - nowhere near he would be able to find someone on the other end of the country.

During his whole attempt of finding Remus, Harry had sensed Death's amusement growing alongside his own frustration. With an annoyed huff, he had opened his eyes and shot Death a glare. He still was a bit miffed about their earlier fiasco, regarding how he'd tried to leave Malfoy Manor without Death's help.

The bastard had only smirked, probably laughing about Harry's pitiful attempts to get hold of anything that wasn't located within a mile. Harry had simply ignored the feelings buzzing through their bond and turned away to face his godfather.

Sirius had been still analysing the notes and maps scattered on the table at that point, unaware of their wordless exchange.

After a few moments of silence, Harry felt a gentle touch on his back.

Death's amusement still hadn't subsided, but long arms snaked around his torso and Harry's frustration melted away into nothingness. He could feel the being leaning against him and soft lips brushed over the skin on his neck. Harry bit his lip to suppress the content sight that was about to escape him. Death pressed a kiss on the spot behind his ear and Harry reacted without conscious thought, baring his neck to offer better access. Harry's breath hitched when he felt teeth grazing his skin and Death started to nuzzle his neck. He could nearly feel the vibrations in Death's breath when a pleased rumble left the being's throat.

The noise seemed to startle Sirius out of his thoughts. When his godfather had lifted his head, he was met Death's pointed stare over Harry's shoulder.

In the end, it was Death who offered to just take them to the location of the werewolf pack. Unlike Harry, the being didn't have any problems locating Remus.

Sirius had insisted, that they would approach them on foot. Just simply apparating into their territory could equal a death sentence, if one could believe him. Apparently, most of the werewolves out there weren't too fond of wizards. During their whole discussion till the moment when Death had finally taken them to the place, Harry could feel Sirius' curious eyes resting upon them.

There was a rustling behind him and Harry snapped back to the present. Sirius had quickened his pace to catch up to them. Soon enough his godfather was walking side by side with Harry once more.

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