Twitter - Patrick Stump

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I was gonna put a gif of a sad Patrick but I found this one and couldn't resist! xD

Patrick Imagine! Y/T/N means your twitter name. And let's pretend there's no character limit on tweets because yeah.

Something was off about Patrick. You didn't know exactly what, but for the last week he began moping around the apartment. At first, it was just him not talking a bit. But now, he refused to talk to you, hasn't spoken at all on social media, refused to eat, and spent his entire day just sitting on the couch staring at the TV or on twitter. He even began to ignore your 14 month old son, and you were determined to find out what was wrong with your husband.

The two of you were sitting at your kitchen table eating lunch. Patrick did his usual routine of pushing food around on his plate, while attempting to ignore both you and Declan.

"Patrick." You said. He looked up from his plate. "What's wrong?"

He just shook his head and you sighed.

"'Trick, something's obviously been bothering you. Are you okay?"

He looked back down at his plate. "I'm fine." He mumbled.

He looked back up at you and you could see that he definitely was not fine. "You and I both know that's-'"

"I said I'm fine, Y/N!" Both you and your son were surprised by his outburst. "Stop being so damn naggy! I said I'm fine, so I'm fine! Just stay out of this!" He stood up, causing his chair to create a loud scratching noise against the hardwood floor. Yours and Declan's eyes both widened.

"Patrick, please sit-" You lowered your voice, trying to calm him down.

"I said leave me alone! Just go away!" He stormed out of the kitchen and into his room, slamming the door behind him. The loud noise made Declan began to cry. You rushed over to him and picked him up.

"Shh, it's okay baby, it's okay. Daddy's just a little angry right now. C'mon, let's go watch SpongeBob, yeah?" He stopped crying once he heard the word 'SpongeBob'. It's the only thing that would calm him down.

You pulled him away a bit to look at him. "Yeah? SpongeBob? Let's go watch SpongeBob with mommy!"

You carried him over to his play pen that sat in front of the TV and turned it on to Nickelodeon, as that's the only thing that ever played on there. You sat on the couch behind him and pulled out your phone. You began to scroll on your twitter because that's what you did when you were bored.

You'd never admit it to Patrick, but you secretly followed some Fall Out Boy fan accounts because let's face it, that stuff is hilarious. And deadly accurate. But today, they were all posting the same thing.

They were ranting about how people were hating on Patrick. The majority of them posted screenshots of people harassing Patrick on twitter. They mostly said things on the lines of "Getting fat, Pat" or "You're ruining Fall Out Boy, why are you even still here?"

You gasped. This was obviously what was bothering him. It all made sense now. It made sense that he stopped eating, wasn't in the studio, and wasn't talking to the other guys in the band.

You looked at Patrick's last tweet, one that he posted yesterday.


I'm sorry.

There were fans in the comments who were freaking out, worried for Patrick. There was always some band hate, but there was more than usual. There was this one user, @PatrickStumpSucks who recently wouldn't stop commenting.


Kill yourself, faggot


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