Stealing The Covers - Gerard Way

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It was 1 am and you couldn’t sleep. You had a job interview the next day, and it wasn’t just any interview, but it was for your dream job. The job that you had dreamed about since you were a young child, the job that you would pretend you had and forced your brother to play along with you.

But now, you were stressing out, and you were almost certain that you wouldn’t get enough sleep. You weren’t a great person to deal with when you were tired, you were either really cranky or really loopy. Neither personality was a good one to have in an interview.

You rolled over and balled up the sheets in your first, wondering how you were going to sleep.

“Y/N” Your boyfriend, Gerard, of three years whisper shouted at you.

“What?” You hissed back.

He groaned. “Stop stealing the covers.” He grabbed the sheets and rolled back over, taking them with him. You rolled your eyes, going back to concentrating on how you were going to fall asleep.

Before you knew it, you were doing the exact thing you were doing before, balling up the covers and pulling them off of Gerard.

Instead of him yelling at you, you felt two hands paced on the back of your shoulders, rubbing small circles. “I know you’re stressed, Y/N, but you really need to get some sleep.” He said. “And do so without stealing the covers.”

“Maybe you’ll just have to sleep closer to me.” He said, and immediately after, you felt his arms slip around your waist as he nuzzled his head into your neck.

“Mhm. You’re warm.” He commented. “Maybe because you’ve been under the blankets this whole time while I haven’t.”

You turned your head slightly so you could catch a glimpse of his face. “Well that problem is solved now, isn’t it?” you leaned forward to give him a small peck on the cheek, before turning your head back away from him, and fitting your body into his. You felt his hand grab yours, making small circles on the back of it with his thumb. You smiled to yourself, feeling all of the stress you had felt before wash away.

“I love you.” You mumbled, feeling yourself start to fall asleep.

You felt is body press closer to yours as he leaned his head around yours to kiss your cheek. “Good night, Y/N. I love you too.”

Hey guys! So I’ve decided to start writing one-shots/imagines for when I’m bored or have writer’s block. So enjoy! Sorry this was shorter than Frank Iero. And I totally didn’t get the idea for this from my Mikey Way story. What? Pffff nah. (You should totally go read it though)

I am taking requests! You may either request a band member(s), a ship, an event/scene thingy, or any combination of the three! However, I do not write smut.

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