Spin The Bottle - Pete Wentz

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This update was going to come later today or tomorrow, because I'm at my grandparent's with no wifi, but I was able to set up a hotspot with my phone ^-^

Pete imagine (featuring MCR, P!ATD, and FOB) as requested by the_infinite_author a long time ago. Enjoy!

You were at a small house party at Pete's. There weren't many of you, maybe a dozen or so. You were all more than just a little bit tipsy, and despite you being the only girl, you guys decided to stop playing truth or dare and switch over to spin the bottle.

"But I don't wanna!" Brendon whined, hiccupping in the middle of his sentence. "I don't wanna kiss a dude!"

His comment had made Pete nearly fall of the floor laughing. The rest of you all followed, your drunken selves laughing at even the thought of Brendon being straight.

"What the fuck is going on!" He screamed while trying not to join in laughing.

"Okay, okay." You sat up, finally containing your laughter. "We'll just- whatever happens here stays here."

"Or we have Y/N spin every time." Pete giggled.

You blushed at his comment. You wouldn't mind it at all, because your chances of kissing Pete would go up. Pete had been your crush for God knows how long now, and it was absolutely killing you that you couldn't be with him.

Instead, you gasped and hit his arm. "But that'll make me a slut!"

Gerard laughed. "What else do you expect when you're friends with all guys?"

You hit his arm too. "Rude! Why you all gotta be so rude?"

"Don't you know I'm human too!" Patrick joined in, and the two of you began to sing along until Joe finally stopped you.

"Shut up guys, are we gonna do this, or what?" He said, holding up an empty bottle.

"Alright." Dallon said, taking the bottle with him and putting it in the middle of the circle. He was the one who wasn't even the least bit tipsy, so he explained the rules. "Now, rules are that we're going to start with me, and then go clockwise. So after me, Mikey will go. That means Y/N will go last. You must kiss them on the lips, but it can be as short as you like. No need to go all out unless you want." he finished with the wink at the end.

He spun the bottle, and you wall started to drum on the floor, imitating a drumroll. It landed on Ray, and he cringed before giving him a peck on the lips.

"Okay. Never again. Ew. Okay." Ray said, and you laughed. Mikey spun the bottle, and it landed on Pete.

You felt your fists involuntarily clench at your sides as they kissed. It was longer than Ray's and Dallon's, but was still short, and it still made you furious.

You continued around the circle. You were sitting next to Pete, and you were going to be the last to go. You watched as everyone went. Brendon kissed Joe, Andy kissed Patrick, and to everyone's surprise, Frank kissed Gerard, and Gerard kissed Frank. Both of them ended up being more of a makeout session than a kiss.

You sighed, picking at your fingernails, waiting for the bottle to land on you, as everyone laughed at the guys kissing each other. Finally, Patrick spun, and it landed on you.

"Finally!" Everyone yelled.

Brendon groaned. "Why does he get to kiss the girl?"

You laughed and leaned over Pete to kiss Patrick. It was a quick kiss, and he blushed as everyone began catcalling as you two pulled away. Pete, however, didn't join in.

"My turn." He growled and grabbed the bottle, spinning it so hard you were sure it was going to just fly and hit someone. It took nearly forever to stop.

It looked like it was going to stop on Brendon, and you sighed. Of course he wasn't going to kiss you. But the bottle kept moving past him, past Dallon, and stopped at you. Your heart jumped into your throat.

You had to time to process anything as Pete nearly threw himself at you. He grabbed the back of your neck and fiercely crashed his lips onto yours. You didn't respond at first, and he was about to pull away, disappointed, when you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer. Your lips started moving in sync, and everyone began whistling and yelling things along the lines of "Get some!" and "Get a room!"

Your hands tangled into the back of his hair, and he responded by moving closer to you, which made the two of you fall onto the floor. He pinned your arms above your head and gave you one last, long, lingering kiss before pulling away. You opened your eyes and saw him still leaning over you. "You're mine." He growled in your ear before sitting up. You blushed and sat back up, fixing your hair. You did

You bit your lip before spinning the bottle. You grinned when it landed on Pete, and the two of you picked up where you left off.

As always, requests are open! You may either request a band member(s), a ship, an event/scene thingy, or any combination of the three!

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