Goddamn Printer - Joe Trohman

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WOOHOO update

So I have major writer's block on LTFB and I just needed to start writing. I was also really frustrated because my computer deleted a lot of the chapter I was working on, and I'm not really motivated to re-write it.

Anywho, here's a Joe Imagine! As requested by austin-carlileordie a while ago. So dedication to you!

You have always waited until the last minute to do everything. It usually related to school work, and you usually managed to get stuff done in time, as you worked well under pressure. You usually never regretted it, but you really did now.

Class started in less than twenty minutes, and it was a ten minute walk from the computer lab to your class. So your dumb ass had only ten minutes to print your twelve page final paper before sprinting across campus to hand in the paper to your professor at the beginning of class.

Printers, however, do not work well under pressure.

"God fucking damn it, I swear to God I'm going to murder someone!" You screamed and repeatedly punched the side of the printer. All of a sudden it just stopped working once you were six pages in. You frantically scanned the room, but you were the only person in there.

"I'm a fucking idiot!" You yelled again and kicked the table that the printer was on. Your heart rate continuously sped up. If you didn't hand in this paper, you would fail the entire semester. Your parents wouldn't pay for your college and your entire life would be done for.

"Hey you okay?" Someone from behind you said. You nearly jumped out of your skin and you whipped around to face them. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

A blush rose to your cheeks as you realized he had heard you screaming. "Sorry, I thought it was alone."

"Nah, it's cool." He nodded his head, and his hair flopped around as he did so. "I'm Joe, by the way."

You smiled. "'I'm Y/N. Do you know how to fix this?" You banged on the printer. "I have class in fifteen minutes and the goddamn printer broke and it takes ten minutes to get there when I speed walk so I literally have five minutes to fix this piece of shit and oh my God and I'm going to fail the semester and it's going to be late and only half done plus I just broke the printer and I'm going to have to pay for it and oh my God my parents are going to kill me and be so disappointed and the professor is going to give me that look and holy crap my life is over-'

"Y/N!" Joe screamed as he grabbed you by the shoulders. "Calm down! You just need to put more paper in there."

You turned around and saw a flashing light that read NO PAPER. "Oh."

He chuckled as he grabbed a ream of paper, before opening the printer and loading it. It whirred back to life and the rest of your paper magically came out of the machine.

"Holy crap, thank you so much. I literally would have died if it didn't print." You shoved the papers into their sheet protectors before throwing them in your backpack.

"No problem." He smiled. "By the way-"

"Wait, aren't you in my next class?" You cut him off.

He nodded. "Yep. Economic s 101."

You smiled and blushed at the ground as he kept making eye contact with you. His eyes were absolutely gorgeous and when the light hit his face in a certain way, he actually looked like Jesus. "Can I have your number? You know, in case I break the printer again?"

He laughed. "I hope that's not the only reason why you'll call me." He took your phone and put in his contact. When you took it back, you nearly screamed when you saw the time.

"Dude, we have eight minutes to get to class."

His eyes widened with yours. "Run."

You grabbed your bag and sprinted out of the door. People gave the two of you weird looks, but it was normal to see two college kids running across campus, especially at the end of the semester. To make the situation even better, it had begun to pour halfway there, causing you to pull your backpacks over your head. By the time the two of you got there, with two minutes to spare, you were doubled over in laughter.

"Let's... not do that again." You breathed.

He nodded. "I haven't done that much physical activity since gym sophomore year of high school. Excuse me while I go pass out."

You laughed even harder. "I'll join you."


When you got back from class, you immediately pulled out your phone and texted Joe.

To: The Infamous Joe Fro

Hey, It's Y/N. Nice contact name, you dork.

You got a reply almost instantly.

From: The Infamous Joe Fro

I'm the dork? You're the one who thought you were going to die from a paper shortage.

To: The Infamous Joe Fro

Shut up

From: The infamous Joe Fro

Btw, you're really cute when you're angry/freaking out ;)

To: The Infamous Joe Fro

You're annoying.

From: The Infamous Joe Fro

I know. We should really get some coffee of something before the school year ends.

To: The Infamous Joe Fro

That sounds great. Tomorrow at Starbucks, around 3?

From: The Infamous Joe Fro

Sounds perfect. I'll be there. x

Your roommate raised an eyebrow as you giggled. "What's got you so excited?"

You blushed and did a mental fist pump. "I got myself a date."

As always, requests are open! You may either request a band member(s), a ship, an event/scene thingy, or any combination of the three!


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