Whoever Said "Don't Talk To Strangers" Forgot About Hot Strangers - Peterick

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Here's another ridiculously long imagine, about a thousand words. Accompanied by an extremely long and weird title. Seriously I had to change it because they can't be more than 80 characters. Fall Out Boy has rubbed off on me.



*Patrick's POV*

I sighed, collapsing into my airplane seat. The past week had been absolute hell. All I wanted to do was relax on the eight and a half hour plane ride home from London to Chicago without any fuss. At least I was lucky enough to get a window seat. I leaned back into my seat and rubbed my face with my hands.

"Rough day?" A voice from beside me asked. I looked over to see a guy around my age sitting down. His hair was bleached, his arms were completely covered in tattoos, and holy smokes he was hot.

I shook my head. "You can't even imagine." I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into my phone, while listening to music. I involuntarily began drumming my fingers on my armrest, and the person next to me poked my shoulders.

I pulled out a headphone. "Yeah?"

He chuckled. "You nervous?"

Around you, yeah. "Nah. I fly a lot."

He nodded, unconvinced by my words. "Okay, sure. Just relax and watch your TV when the plane takes off, you'll be fine."

I nodded. "Thanks."

"I'm Pete, by the way." He stretched out his hand. I shook it, and I felt a shock run through my body when I did so, and I'm pretty sure I was blushing.


I put my headphones back in and didn't talk to him after that, getting annoyed when the captain would speak every five minutes and I had to pull out my headphones to listen to him. Pete chuckled at how I would groan every time, and I would just shoot him a dirty look.

My phone had died right before we had to turn off electronics, and I slapped my forehead. Of course I forgot to charge it. I shoved it back into the bag.

"Gum?" I turned my head back to Pete. "So your ears don't-"

"Yeah, I know." I snapped, taking a piece of gum.

He held his hands up in defense. "Woah, dude-"

"Sorry." I sighed. "I've just had a really shitty week and now my phone died and I just want to go home. And thank you."

He nodded and went back to ignoring me. Great, I had struck a nerve, and I wouldn't get to talk to the hot guy next to me anymore. Smooth move, Patrick.

After waiting nearly half an hour on the runway, we finally took off. I let out a breath of relief, as I was finally able to use the damn TV in front of me.

If it would work.

I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat. Hey, at least I had the window next to me so I could look at nothing but a freaking ocean for the next 5 hours before it got dark. Now I was going to be bored out of my mind and nothing would distract me from the man next to me. I looked over at him listening to some band through his TV screen. I mean, I could ask him to share his TV, but he'd just think I was annoying.

He caught me staring at him, and he realized my TV wasn't on. "Not watching TV?"

I shrugged. "It doesn't work."

He raised an eyebrow. "You can ask, you know."


He rolled his eyes. "Just do it."

"I don't know what you're talking-"

"Look, you're cute when you're shy, but man up."

Did he just call me cute? He must have laughed at my surprised expression, or the fact I was blushing, or both. He chuckled. "Yes, Patrick, I will share my TV with you."

"Oh, i-it's okay-"

He just handed me one of the headphones, and I took it. "Uh, thanks."

He smiled, turning off his music. "So, anything in particular you wanted to watch?" He flipped through the different movies.

I had to refrain from yelling. "Aw, yeah, they have Ghostbusters!" And once again, Pete chuckled at my enthusiasm, just as he did at nearly everything I've done today. "Sorry, that's my favorite movie."

He nodded. "Ghostbusters it is."

For the next hour, I sat with Pete, as I tried to refrain from falling asleep on his shoulder. Despite it being probably 8 or 9 in Chicago, it was past midnight in London time, and I soon found myself falling asleep on his shoulder.


"Five more minutes."

I heard a strange yet familiar chuckle from beside me and snapped he eyes open. Pete.

I had fallen asleep on his shoulder, my fedora on the floor. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

He chuckled again. "No, it's fine. You're cute when you sleep. By the way, we've landed." And with that, he just grabbed his carryon and walked off the plane, leaving me star struck behind.

I quickly gathered my things, bumping into people on the way, and muttered countless 'sorry's and 'excuse me's on my way. I eventually made my way to baggage claim, just as the suitcases starting coming out onto the carousel.

Mine was one of the first to come off, and I quickly grabbed it. As I did so, my sleeve rolled up a bit and I saw something was written on my arm. I set down my suitcase and pretended to look at my watch, when I was really reading what was written,

You're really fucking cute. Call me and we'll get coffee :P

312-555-2482 – Pete x

I immediately looked up and scanned the area for him. He was standing across the carousel, grinning at me in amusement, and I could see him chuckle. That chuckle will be the death of me.

And as he was walking away, I could've sworn he winked at me.

As always, requests are open! You may either request a band member(s), a ship, an event/scene thingy, or any combination of the three!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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