T W E N T Y - N I N E

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A/N: Sorry I've been MIA... This week has been tough for my mental health but I'm feeling much better now, so don't worry. I've almost finished the epilogue, so I'll release everything as soon as I can!!! And this hasn't been edited, sorry...

Minho hates everything and everyone. Especially Changbin and Felix.

Changbin took Jisung away from him. He had heard them telling their friends

And Felix? Don't even get Minho started Felix. Felix didn't have the right to blackmail Jiung, then tell everyone who his parents are.

As much as he's shocked, Minho doesn't care. He loves Jisung with all his heart and for the next week, he has to suffer and deal with watching Changbin and Jisung be all clingy and lovey-duvey until he can go back to Gimpo.

Minho watched from the classroom door as Jisung cried in Changbin's arms.

He wished Jisung could be in his arms.

Holding him tight, kissing his chubby cheeks, making him feel safe and loved.

Minho couldn't explain it in words, it was impossible.

But that's how he knew he was in love.

In love with Han Jisung.

Minho sighed as tears welled up in his eyes. He turned around before they could see him and left the school. He didn't feel like doing anything or getting beat up by Chan or Changbin.

"You look sad,"

Minho looked up and saw San. "What do you want?"

"I decided to be a good person and ask what's wrong, but it seems my kindness is unappreciated," San said, "I'll walk away and go back to being mean."

Minho sighs. "I did the job."

"So Jisung's free now? Depressed without someone to sweep him off his feet?"

"No," Minho shook his head, "My hirer's plan worked. As soon as I broke his heart, he went running back to him..." Minho sighed. "You were right, you know. About me being in love with Jisung."

San hesitated. "When are you going back to Gimpo?"

"Friday," Minho answered.

Today was Tuesday.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but, watch him," San said, "see how they treat each other. If you really love Jisung, come back in a few years or whatever and tell him everything. The truth. And win back his heart."

That wasn't a bad idea.

"Why are you being nice to me?" Minho asked.

"This is the only time I'm ever going to be nice to you, so be happy with it," San snapped.

Minho laughed slightly. "I think I'll do that."

San nodded and started to walk off. Minho took that as his cue to keep walking to his lonely apartment until he heard San call out to him.

"Hey, Minho,"

Minho turned around.

"When you get back, you'll have competition. Be ready to win his heart back or I'll steal it for myself, got it?"

Minho cracked a smile. "Got it."

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