Chapter 11: Painful Memories

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In the quiet Oscorp laboratory, a scientist was hunched over a cluttered desk, scribbling notes and analyzing data. The faint sound of his pen scratching against paper was the only noise in the sterile, high-tech environment. The symbiote, contained in its glass capsule, pulsed rhythmically in the background, its dark form shifting subtly.

Suddenly, the door to the lab hissed open, and Norman Osborn strode in, his presence commanding and intense. The scientist looked up, momentarily startled, and then straightened as Osborn approached him.

"How's our little project coming along?" Osborn asked, his voice smooth yet tinged with impatience.

The scientist adjusted his glasses, gathering his thoughts before responding. "It's... remarkable, Mr. Osborn. The symbiote's behavior is unlike anything we've seen before. It appears to sustain itself by metabolizing neurotransmitters, particularly norepinephrine and serotonin."

Osborn narrowed his eyes, clearly uninterested in the technical jargon. "In plain English, Doctor."

The scientist hesitated, then offered a simplified explanation. "In simpler terms, sir... it feeds on emotions, specifically sorrow and grief."

Osborn's expression darkened with intrigue. "So, that thing thrives on human misery," he said, almost to himself, a calculating look in his eyes.

The scientist nodded, a sense of unease creeping over him as he observed Osborn's reaction. The implications of this discovery were disturbing, and he couldn't help but wonder what Osborn intended to do with this knowledge.

Osborn turned his gaze toward the pulsating symbiote, a small, sinister smile playing on his lips. "Fascinating," he murmured, before turning on his heel and walking out of the lab, leaving the scientist alone with his troubling thoughts and the unsettling entity behind the glass.

Venom lifted the robber off the ground, the tendrils coiling around the man like a snake constricting its prey. The robber's screams echoed through the darkened building, his pleas for mercy drowned out by the twisted laughter that rumbled from Venom's chest. The creature's grotesque mouth opened wide, revealing rows of jagged teeth as its long, slimy tongue slithered out, licking the robber's face with a horrifying hunger.

Just as Venom was about to bite down, a flash of movement caught its attention. Gwen swung in from the shadows, her eyes filled with determination. With all her strength, she kicked Peter—no, Venom—square in the face, the force of the blow sending the creature stumbling backward and releasing the robber from its grip.

The robber fell to the ground, scrambling away in terror as Gwen stood between him and the monstrous figure that had once been Peter. Her chest heaved as she caught her breath, her heart racing with a mix of fear and adrenaline.

"This isn't you, Peter!" she shouted, her voice shaking but resolute. "IT IS NOT YOU!"

Venom growled, the sound deep and menacing as it reverberated through the empty building. "We are..." the creature's voice twisted and distorted, blending with Peter's own, yet alien and filled with malice. The massive mouth opened wide once more, the tongue slithering out as it hissed, "VENOM!"

Outside, Captain Stacy stood near his squad car, tension etched on his face. The reports from his officers had been nothing short of terrifying. He grabbed his radio, his voice firm and commanding as he called for reinforcements. "We need a new group, now! Special forces—whatever it takes to deal with this creature."

Venom's voice thundered through the room, filled with rage and grief. "HE TOOK AWAY UNCLE BEN! HE MUST PAY FOR THIS!"

Gwen's breath caught in her throat as she looked at the trembling robber, fear and guilt warring within her. The sight of the man who had taken Uncle Ben away filled her with anger, but she knew—she couldn't let Peter cross this line. No matter how much she hated the man before her, she couldn't let Peter become a killer.

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