A Storm is Coming

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Chapter 26 - A Storm is Coming

Startled from my slumber, I jolted upright as the window creaked open, allowing a fierce gust of wind to infiltrate the room, accompanied by the relentless onslaught of a blizzard.

The chill cut through the warmth of my dreams, pulling me into consciousness. I blinked against the dim moonlight that filtered through the opening, the swirling snowflakes dancing in the air like tiny, chaotic spirits. The room felt cold, a stark contrast to the heat that had enveloped me moments before in Malachi's embrace.

I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, and turned to see Malachi standing by the window, his silhouette framed against the dark snowy sky outside. He looked both ethereal and powerful, a stark contrast to the swirling chaos beyond the walls of the tower. The snowstorm raged, swirling in all directions, a reminder of the tumultuous world outside our sanctuary.

"Malachi?" I called softly, my voice still thick with sleep. He turned to face me, and in that moment, the worry etched on his face tugged at my heart.

"We need to leave soon," he said, his voice steady but laced with urgency. "I can sense the clan arriving, they aren't going to be happy about the Lord"

I could feel the weight of his words settle heavily in the air between us, a stark reminder of the precarious situation we were in. The thought of the clan coming for us sent a shiver down my spine, and I quickly pushed back the remnants of sleep, forcing myself to focus.

"Do you think they know?" I asked, my heart racing at the implications of his statement. "About Dracula? About us?"

"About us?" resonated Dracula's voice, filling the room with a deep rumble that seemed to emerge from the depths of the underworld.

I froze, my heart pounding in my chest as I turned to see Dracula standing in the doorway, his presence commanding and dark. The contrast between the raging snowstorm outside and the quiet intensity of his stance was striking, his figure silhouetted against the light streaming in from the window.

"Dracula," I breathed. His gaze swept over me and then landed on Malachi, the tension in the room thickening like fog. The air crackled with unspoken words and emotions.

"About us?" Dracula's voice was smooth, but there was an edge of possessiveness that sent a shiver down my spine. His eyes burned with an intensity that drove me wild "About you and Malachi?"

The air hung heavy with unspoken tension as I felt both men's gazes bore into me, each filled with their own desires and conflicts. Malachi's expression was fierce, protective, while Dracula's was darker, laced with a possessiveness that set my heart racing.

"He- " I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the storm of emotions swirling inside me.

"I can smell you on him" Dracula's voice cut through the air like ice, and I felt my breath catch in my throat. The implication of his words sent a rush of heat to my cheeks, and I could see Malachi tense beside me, a low growl rumbling in his chest.

"Vlad, this isn't what you think," I interjected, desperate to diffuse the charged atmosphere. "Malachi and I—"

"Is it not?" Dracula interrupted, his gaze narrowing as he stepped further into the room, closing the distance between us. The weight of his presence was suffocating, and I could feel the pull of his dark energy wrapping around me like a shroud. "You've chosen to share your blood, your essence with him, correct?"

"That was before-" I began, taken aback by the possessive tone in his voice. Had Dracula truly become so possessive of me?

"Silence," he commanded, holding his head high, his voice dripping with disdain. "I can smell him permeating the very air in this room." Dracula's eyes scanned the surroundings, his senses on high alert. "Malachi, leave us!" he ordered, dismissing him with a wave of his hand.

Vampire Feed - Book #1 of the Vampire Feast SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now