Control the Power

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Chapter 27 - Control the Power

The air was thick with anticipation, and I could hear the murmurs of the clan echoing through the grand hall. Shadows flickered along the walls, cast by the flickering candlelight that illuminated the space. The ornate decorations and rich tapestries that adorned the walls felt both beautiful and oppressive, a reminder of the weight of the history that surrounded us.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself against the anxiety bubbling within me. My heart raced as I leaned against the cool stone wall, feeling the pulse of energy in the air. I knew that soon, all eyes would be on me, and as much as I wanted to embrace the power that Dracula promised, the thought of being the center of attention filled me with trepidation.

"Rose," a soft voice pulled me from my thoughts. I turned to see Viktor approaching, his expression serious yet kind. "You shouldn't be out here alone. The clan is hungry, and they won't hesitate to drink you"

I felt a chill run down my spine at his words, the reality of the situation settling heavily on my shoulders. I had been so focused on the impending ceremony and the power I was promised that I had overlooked the risks that came with it.

In that moment, Viktor approached me, his eyes scanning my figure with a hint of disapproval. "Dracula is about to make his entrance," he informed me, his voice tinged with begrudging acceptance. "He will introduce me as the new clan leader, and then you as his bride." Despite his personal reservations about my union with Dracula, Viktor had no choice but to comply with our arrangement.

A faint smile curved my lips as I observed Viktor's transformed appearance. His attire exuded regality, and his hair was neatly tied back with a vibrant red ribbon. "Clan leader suits you," I complimented, appreciating the grandeur of his ensemble.

"Thank you, Rose," he replied, a hint of warmth igniting in his dark eyes. "But it's not the title or the attire that makes a leader. It's the heart and soul behind it." His gaze lingered on me, and for a moment, I could see the turmoil that swirled within him. "And I wish I could claim your heart for my own."

The air between us felt charged, electric. I could almost hear the whispers of our unspoken desires echoing through the hall. The proximity of our bodies ignited a fire in my chest, one that threatened to consume me as I looked up into his eyes. "Viktor, this isn't fair," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "You're meant to be my ally, my support in this twisted game. But here you are, making me feel things I can't afford to feel."

Drawing nearer, his presence enveloped me, carrying the alluring fragrance of lavender and a hint of his distinctive essence. "This is no mere game to me, Rose," he whispered, his voice tinged with a raw intensity. "You know this. I have fought for you long before Dracula entered the picture. You understand that you will forever be mine. I was the first to taste you, to ravage you, to attempt to claim you." A surge of emotions coursed through me, causing my breath to catch in my throat.

His hand found its way to my waist, drawing me closer, and I could feel the heat radiating from me, mingling with the coolness of the stone wall behind me. My heart raced as I met his gaze, a mixture of yearning and fear swirling within me. "But I can't belong to you, not when Dracula is claiming me before your clan," I whispered, my pulse quickening with each passing moment.

Viktor's voice dropped to a near-growl, his gaze piercing into mine as he sought my answer. "Is that truly what you desire?" he questioned, his words laden with a mixture of concern and frustration. "To be Dracula's bride, a mere pawn in his game? You deserve more than that, Rose. You deserve to be cherished, to be loved for your true self, not just for the power you possess. I would never attempt to control you. Instead, I would encourage you to embrace your power and explore the depths of your desires. You know the beast within can provide you with anything your heart desires."

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