Chapter 6

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Laurence POV:

The day was a blur. I ran around the stronghold running errands, filing paperwork, and finalizing plans for Zenix and I to leave in the evening. Nothing stood out, it felt just like any other day before Aphmau had arrived. 

Zenix was off somewhere again and Everett was patrolling around, giving orders as usual. I hadn't run into Lilianna at all, but I assumed she was hiding in her study drafting the blueprints for the basalt machine. From what I could tell, no one had any inclination that Zenix and I were planning a departure-- which is what I wanted. The less people knew, the less likely it was for Shad to suspect anything.

Before I knew it, night had fallen and the shifts had changed-- the stronghold began hunkering down for the night. Though Shadow Knights did not need rest the same way humans did, it often brought comfort to them to have the same routine they did in their past life.

I looked around my office one final time before picking my travel bag off the floor. Closing the door behind me, I briskly walked through the weaving halls of the stronghold hoping I wouldn't run into anyone on my way out. I let out a sigh of relief as I made it to the heavy front door, gently pushing it open. As I stepped outside, the hot and heavy air of the Nether rushed against my face, a groan escaping me.

"Took you long enough."

I turn to my left and see Zenix leaning against the wall of the stronghold fiddling with a hunting knife. He pushed himself off the wall and walked towards me.

"So the Brightport portal has been moved, but we don't know where. How are we getting out of here?"

I lightly chuckle and motion for him to follow me. I head toward a cavern to the east of the stronghold, and began explaining my plan.

"Before I returned to the Nether, I had to travel around a lot. There were many villages I encountered, and treasures that many had looked over." I paused in front of a tall blank netherrack wall. It was dark in the cavern, the only light emitting was the soft glow from the Shadow Knight armour Zenix and I were wearing. I felt along the wall for any discrepancies. I smirked and turned to face Zenix again.

Zenix POV:

Laurence turned to me, a devilish smirk plastered across his face. I irked my brow, waiting for him to continue.

He reached into the travel bag he had brought with him and pulled out a small glass orb. I immediately could tell that it was not of the Nether based on the bright blues and greens swirling in it. It lit the little corner of the dark cavern up in a vibrant teal hue, making the texture and colour of the netherrack walls look off and grotesque. It sparkled and glittered in a way that felt mystical, but it was real and in front of me.

"What is that?" I asked, in awe. I hadn't seen such cool-toned colours in some time, it felt hypnotizing but at the same time hurt my eyes.

"It's what they call a dimension orb I think," Laurence began lifting it up and looking at it with curiosity. "You just need something from the dimension you wish to go to and the orb will create a small portal for a couple minutes."

I nodded in understanding. "But how will we return to the Nether?"

"I have the communication amulet, Everett or Lilianna will inform us where Shad put the Brightport portal, and we'll return through it when we need to come back."

Laurence handed me the dimension orb and dug around in his backpack once again. He eventually pulled out the Phoenix Drop broach that was sitting on his desk and smiled bitter sweetly at it. I rolled my eyes and glanced back at the orb. The colours began to change and form an image. As Laurence walked closer with the broach, the image became clearer and tall evergreen trees began to form in the mist of the orb. Laurence held the broach next to the orb and I watched the scenery change from a deep forest to that of the outskirts of old Phoenix Drop.

I looked at Laurence, meeting his gaze. His fiery eyes were soft and he had the biggest, stupidest grin on his face.

"Are you sure this close to Phoenix Drop is a good idea? We don't know the state of the Overworld right now Laurence, this could get real ugly really quick if someone recognizes us." He rolled his eyes, but still maintained that grain on his face.

"No one has seen you in decades, you'll be fine."

"And you?"

He looked at me and frowned.

"Even if I was recognized, nothing would happen. My family," he scoffs "wouldn't pay any mind to me anyway."

He shakes the thoughts from his head and looks straight into my eyes. "We'll just make sure our faces are properly concealed whenever we go into a village."

I nod, knowing that was as good of an answer as Laurence was going to give me.  I let out a sigh and looked toward the dimension orb again. The image was getting clearer and more distinct, the old rundown walls of the Phoenix Drop gate could be seen amongst the tall trees-- looks like when the portal opens up, we'll be outside of old Phoenix Drop but not too close to the current settlement.

"You ready?" I nod. 

I hand him the orb and he chucks it at the netherrack wall. The orb shatters against the wall and a loud hiss can be heard throughout the cavern. A shrill cry is heard as the blue and green pigments from the orb seep into the wall and flow toward the ground. The wall sizzles and hisses, the netherrack beginning to bubble and groan and as a hole began to form. Weird tentacle looking vines tear their way through the small hole, ripping the wall apart. The netherrack groans and cries, popping like zits as the tentacles tear at the wall creating a large gaping crack. The dark abyss the tentacles emerged from began to shriek, fluid from the netherrack dripping like blood from the crack onto the floor of the carvern. I gag a little from the smell and the implications of it all, was the netherrack always this alive? I don't want to know the things it has seen if it was. A drone like sound could be heard as a soft light began to emerge from the darkness. Small particles began to drift into the space as the crack grew wider. The hissing and groaning of the netherrack grew more and sounded painful. There were pops as more fluid poured out of the crack and onto the ground. I took a couple steps back, not wanting the acid-smelling liquid to scar my skin. The drone grew louder and the particles started to pour out like rushing river water. Soon the entire wall was torn open and there in front of us was an open portal.

I looked around the cavern-- the netherrack surrounding the portal was bubbling and hissing, there was liquid flowing on the floor pooling at the base of the portal. The tentacles gripped the walls as if their life depended on it, causing small cracks to form. If I was still enough, I swore the portal was breathing, the large fleshy edges of it reminded me of a monstrous mouth baring its sharp teeth. I grimaced and looked at Laurence. Despite the foul odor that plagued the cavern, he still had that smile on his face. What was there to smile about in this situation? If I had been still alive I would have fainted from the grotesque visuals of the portal emerging and especially the putrid smell. I wanted to gag, yet here he was smiling.

"We should probably head through the portal before it closes, who knows how long it's willing to stay open." I say. I seemingly pull Laurence from his thoughts as he turns to me, his stoic expression returning.

"Yeah. Let's go."

He leads the way, stepping through the purple mist of the portal. I can see the vague outlines of trees and his silhouette through the purple haze. I approach the portal and feel a sense of unease. I felt drips of the blood-like substance fall onto my shoulders and I shudder. Smacking my face to hype myself up, I hold my breath and step through the portal.

Resentment -- MCD S3 Zenix x LaurenceWhere stories live. Discover now