chapter 14

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Lyllea's POV

I watch Nathan move about the kitchen, his movements fluid and purposeful as he arranges the dishes from breakfast. The way his dark hair falls over his eyes when he leans forward, his strong hands expertly handling the plates, and the quiet intensity in his expression—it all captivates me. I try to ignore the way my heart flutters every time he glances in my direction, but it's getting harder to pretend that the sight of him doesn’t affect me.

Nathan has been around a lot more lately, and I’m starting to feel things I’ve never felt before. I’ve always been aware of him, even when we weren’t speaking. He’s impossible to ignore, with his brooding presence and the air of mystery that surrounds him. But now, as I watch him, I realize that my feelings for him are no longer just curiosity or intrigue. They’re something deeper, something that makes my chest tighten and my thoughts scatter.

I tell myself to stop being ridiculous. It’s just a crush, just a phase. But as I sit at the kitchen table, pretending to focus on my assignment, I can’t help but steal glances at him. I can feel my cheeks heating up every time our eyes meet, and I quickly look away, hoping he doesn’t notice.

He was just the quiet, distant boy who never talked to anyone. Now that I’m getting to know him, it’s like seeing a completely different side of him. He’s still quiet, still brooding, but there’s a warmth to him that I never expected. It’s in the way he takes care of me, the way he’s always there when I need him, even if I don’t ask.

I let out a small sigh and turn my attention back to my assignment, but my mind drifts back to the moment I realized Nathan was different. It was after Dylan tried to harass me. It still haunts me, the fear and shame I felt as he cornered me, the way my skin crawled under his touch. But then Nathan appeared, out of nowhere. I remember the look on Nathan’s face, the way his dark eyes hardened as he pulled Dylan away from me. He didn’t say anything, but the way he looked at me told me everything I needed to know—I was safe with him.

I’m grateful to both Nathan and Sean for what they did, but there’s something about Nathan that makes me feel…different. Maybe it’s the way he looks at me now, like he’s trying to figure me out, to understand what’s going on in my head. Or maybe it’s the way he’s been around more often, offering quiet support without asking for anything in return.

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I’m being silly. Nathan’s just being a good friend, and I’m reading too much into it. But then, I look up and see him standing by the window, staring out at the cherry blossom tree in the backyard. There’s a melancholy in his expression, something deep and unspoken, and it pulls at my heartstrings.

I can’t help but watch him, my assignment forgotten. There’s something about the way he looks at that tree, something that makes me want to know more about him. His dark eyes, his chiseled features, the way his jaw tightens as if he’s holding something back—it all makes me want to get closer, to understand what’s going on in that complex mind of his.

I remember the beginning of the school year, when Nathan never spoke to me, when he would just stare at my house from across the street. I thought he was strange, maybe even a little creepy, but now I realize there was more to it than that.

Now, he’s here, in my house, after seeing me at my most vulnerable. And instead of feeling exposed or embarrassed, I feel…safe. Like I can trust him with the parts of me that I keep hidden from everyone else.

I tear my gaze away from him and force myself to focus on my work, but it’s no use. My mind keeps drifting back to Nathan, to the way he’s slowly becoming someone I can’t ignore, no matter how hard I try. It’s not love—not yet—but it’s something. Something that makes me want to be around him more, to know him better, to be closer to him.

As I’m lost in thought, the doorbell rings, pulling me back to reality. I glance at Nathan, who’s already moving towards the front door, his expression unreadable. My heart skips a beat as I wonder who it could be.

When Nathan opens the door, I see Sean standing there, his usual smirk replaced by a look of concern. He glances at me, then back at Nathan, and I can feel the tension in the air. I’m grateful to Sean for what he did, but there’s a part of me that wishes it were just Nathan and me right now.

“Hey,” Sean says, stepping inside. “Just wanted to check in.”

“Everything’s fine,” Nathan replies, his voice calm but with an edge I can’t quite place.

Sean looks at me, his gaze softening. “You okay?”

I nod, trying to push away the confusing mix of emotions swirling inside me. “Yeah, I’m good. Thanks, Sean.”

He nods, but his eyes linger on me a moment longer before he turns to Nathan. “We need to talk.”

Nathan’s expression darkens, and I can feel the shift in the atmosphere. Whatever they need to discuss, it’s serious. But as they walk outside , I can’t help but feel a little left out, like there’s something they’re keeping from me.

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