chapter 16

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Sean’s POV

I jolted awake to the sound of chairs creaking, my senses sharpening immediately. My gut twisted with unease as I realized the noise was coming from the kitchen. I slipped out of bed, every muscle tensed and ready for confrontation. The thought of Dylan lurking around sent a shiver down my spine. As I made my way, the silence of the house seemed to stretch, making each step feel like a mile.

The creaking grew louder as I approached the kitchen, and my heart raced with the anticipation of what I might find. My hand gripped the cold handle of the kitchen door, and I hesitated for a moment before pushing it open. What I saw froze me in place.

Nathan and Lyllea were there, locked in a kiss.

My mind reeled. Anger surged through me, a white-hot blaze of fury. Nathan was breaking the one rule I had set—stay away from Lyllea. I wanted to storm in, to pull him away and confront him, but I was paralyzed by the sight before me.

Lyllea’s eyes were closed, her fingers tracing along Nathan’s collar. She was completely absorbed in the kiss, her expression one of pure, unguarded pleasure. My heart ached at the sight, a cruel twist of jealousy and heartbreak that I couldn’t ignore. It was as if the universe was mocking me, placing Nathan exactly where I had wanted to be.

I watched, my hands clenched into fists at my sides. Every smirk Nathan gave, every tender touch he placed on Lyllea, was like a punch to the gut. My ego screamed at me to dismiss it, to tell myself I didn’t care. But deep down, the truth was undeniable—I was torn apart. Nathan was doing exactly what I had been too proud to admit I wanted.

The scene before me was a brutal reminder of my own failures. I had always been a jerk to Lyllea, hiding behind my tough exterior. The facade was my shield against my real emotions, my way of masking how deeply I cared for her. Now, seeing her with Nathan, I was forced to confront everything I had buried. I felt an intense surge of jealousy, a consuming, suffocating pain that left me breathless.

The raw, unfiltered hurt was overwhelming. I wanted to lash out, to make Nathan understand the line he had crossed, but I was held back by the sight of Lyllea’s enjoyment. Her pleasure was a cruel twist of the knife. Did I even have the right to intervene when she looked so content? It wasn’t just anger—it was a deep, emotional agony that I couldn’t shake.

I stood there, helpless, every instinct screaming at me to act but unable to move. The weight of my emotions was crushing. The sight of them together, so close and so intimate, made me question everything. My anger and jealousy clashed with the realization that Lyllea was genuinely happy. It was a terrible realization, leaving me feeling empty and conflicted.

Eventually, I turned away, retreating to the guest room. Each step felt like it took an eternity. I was angry with Nathan for crossing boundaries, for stepping into a space I had yearned for but never dared to claim. I was enraged with myself for letting my ego mask my true feelings. The image of Nathan and Lyllea haunted me, a relentless reminder of what I could never have.


Author's note :

Hey guys, this is a v short chapter but i hope you're enjoying the book till now. So which team are you? Team Nathan or team Sean?

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