chapter 23

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Lyllea's POV

I’m trying to focus on the movie, but my mind keeps drifting back to Nathan. His cold eyes, the way he pushed me away—it’s like a broken record in my head, playing on repeat. But I’m here, in Mel's house, surrounded by Sean Julia, and Matt, and I’m doing my best to hide the storm inside me. I laugh when they laugh, smile when they smile, and try to ignore the way Sean’s been looking at me all night, his eyes soft, almost tender.

It’s different. He’s different. The sharp edges I’m used to seeing in him are dulled, replaced by something that makes my heart skip a beat. But I can’t deal with that right now. I can’t even process my own feelings, let alone figure out what’s going on with Sean.

We decide to head to the grocery store before the movie night officially starts. I’m grateful for the distraction, needing to get out of my own head for a while. Melissa and Julia are chatting away about the latest drama at school, and Matt’s cracking jokes, keeping the mood light. I’m doing my best to keep up, forcing myself to stay present.

At the store, it’s a little easier to forget. We mess around, grabbing snacks and arguing over which ice cream flavor to get. Sean grabs a cart, and before I know it, Melissa is sitting inside, laughing as Matt pushes her around the aisles. Julia jumps onto the back, and they race down the aisle, nearly crashing into a display of cereal boxes.

“Your turn,” Sean says, his voice low as he nudges me toward the cart. I hesitate, but then I see the look in his eyes—soft, almost pleading—and I can’t say no.

I climb into the cart, feeling a little ridiculous, but when Sean starts pushing, I can’t help the laugh that escapes me. For a moment, everything else fades away—the pain, the confusion, the heartache—and I’m just a girl in a cart, being pushed around a grocery store by a boy who’s looking at me like I’m the only thing that matters.

By the time we get back to Melissa’s house, my chest feels lighter, the darkness in my mind momentarily pushed aside. We set up for the movie night, spreading out blankets and pillows in the living room, the room filled with the smell of buttery popcorn and the sound of our laughter.

But that lightness doesn’t last. As the movie starts and the lights dim, I can’t help but feel the weight of everything crashing back down on me. I’m sitting on the couch, sandwiched between Sean and Melissa, but it’s like I’m miles away. My heart aches, my mind spinning with thoughts of Nathan, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t shake the feeling of being completely and utterly lost.

“Cold?” Sean’s voice pulls me back to the present, and I realize I’ve been hugging myself, trying to ward off the chill in the air. I shake my head, but Sean’s already pulling off his sweater, draping it over my shoulders before I can protest.

“Thanks,” I mumble, pulling the fabric around me, inhaling the faint scent of his cologne. It’s warm, comforting, and I feel a pang of guilt for leaning on Sean like this when my heart is somewhere else.

As the movie plays on, I feel Sean’s eyes on me, and every time I glance his way, he gives me that soft, concerned look that makes my chest tighten. There’s something there, something unspoken, and it scares me how much I want to reach out and cling to it.

But I don’t. I stay quiet, forcing myself to focus on the screen, trying to ignore the way my heart is pulling me in a thousand different directions.

When I can’t take it anymore, I slip out of the room, heading to the kitchen under the guise of getting more popcorn. I need a moment to breathe, to collect myself before I completely fall apart.

As I’m standing there, staring blankly at the popcorn machine, I hear footsteps behind me. I don’t need to turn around to know it’s Sean. His presence is warm, comforting, and I hate how much I need it right now.

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