chapter 7

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It's the weekend, and I decide to clean up the house. Not that it needs much cleaning, but I like to keep busy, especially when my mind is racing like this. I put on some music and start rearranging things, trying to shake off the lingering tension from last night.

Just as I'm starting to feel a bit more settled, a notification pops up on my phone.

@melforrester has requested to follow you

@melforrester has requested to send you a message.

I tap on the notification, curious.

"Hi, Lyllea, this is Melissa aka Mel. You got plans today? Come hang with us if not."

I've only known Melissa and Julia for a few days, but they seem fun and easygoing-exactly what I need right now. Maybe a day out with them is just what I need to get my mind off everything.

"Alr, when and where?" I type back quickly.

She replies almost immediately. "At 12. Send me your location, we're coming to pick you up."

I send her my location and start getting ready. I put on a white oversized hoodie, brown cargo pants, and my favorite white sneakers. The weather is chilly, and I hope it stays that way because I'm not in the mood to take my hoodie off.

Melissa arrives at around 12:30 in her truck. She looks stunning in a pink woolen sweater and white jeans, her blonde hair perfectly styled. Julia is equally put together in a brown turtleneck sweater with black pants, and Andrea... well, I don't really vibe with Andrea. I've caught her giving me weird looks before, but I'm trying not to overthink it.

"Let's go get ice cream first," Melissa beams as I hop into the truck.

"It's so cold, I'm kinda craving hot chocolate," Julia says, and I immediately agree.

"Alright, hot chocolate it is," Melissa groans, but with a smile.

Julia leans in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. "Let the boys set up everything."

They all chuckle, but I'm still not sure what they're talking about.

"The boys?" I ask, confused.

"Yes, we said we'd help them set up the tents, but we lied," Julia giggles.

"Wait, where are we going again?" I ask, suddenly realizing I never got the full plan.

"You didn't mention!" Julia beams at Melissa.

"I forgot! We're going to hang out at our favorite spot on the mountain," Melissa says, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

My heart sinks a little. If the boys are going to be there, that means Sean might be too. And after everything with Nathan, I'm not sure I'm ready to deal with Sean's teasing. But as the truck speeds towards the mountains, I push those thoughts aside, determined to enjoy the day no matter what.


**Mel:** *We're bringing her along, fix your hair* *wink emoji*

I didn't expect Lyllea to agree to come with us. Mel's been relentless in trying to set me up with her. It's not that I'm obsessed with Lyllea, but Mel's actions make it look like I'm some pathetic loser. First, she messed with Mr. Fitzroy's diary, thinking she could play matchmaker by changing names. Didn't work. Lyllea still hates me. But the real issue is Parker. He's always been a ghost, backing off when someone approaches him, but he's hovering over Lyllea. It's not just to push my buttons-there's always something more with him. I can't let him drag her into whatever twisted mess his family's involved in.

Jordan, Matt, and I set up the tents alone. The girls always promise to help, but they never do. Probably because their boyfriends don't allow it.

"Is your girl tagging along?" Jordan asks with a smirk.

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