Urban Dictionary Adventures

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DA FUCK IS TITTY SALAD?! Riko here. So my friends and I were not looking up porn -shifty eyes- and found a word called titty salad. (Just like the joke in earlier parts) We searched for a website called tittysalad.com and even .net but found nothing except porn. So we searched it in google and found this:

"when a woman takes advantage of a man and rubs her tits in and all over his face in a rough manner.man: "Dude, we were just watching a movie when outta no where she took off her top and gave me a titty salad." 


"When you use a pair of breasts to achieve ejaculation and then consume the ejaculate from inside the cleavage.Frank gave Bob a titty salad on Bob's enormous man titties."


Fuck boy- "A person who is a weak ass pussy
that ain't bout shit.
look at that weak ass fuck boy."

Cleveland Steamer- The cleveland steamer is far more specific than the listings I have seen here. A sexual act by nature (fetish) the cleveland steamer is when one person craps on another person's chest and (very important) then sits down and rocks back and forth like a steam roller.

Billy had just gotten out of the shower, so me and John gave min a cleveland steamer.

Blue Balls- The excrutiating pain a man receives when his balls swell to the size of coconuts because of lack of sex, unfinished bjs, and just not cummin when he knows he should.

Cure: JUST WACK IT MAN!! or get your woman to help you out and do the job right. It's that simple to make the horrible pain go away.

note to all women,

NEVER NEVER NEVER give your man blue balls...its the worse pain he will ever feel in his life and he never deserves it...well, almost never...

Charizard- While having sex with a girl with pubic hair, light her pubes on fire as you ejaculate. Your semen will put out half of the burning hair, and afterwards while she is flapping her arms about wildly, scream: "YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH BADGES TO TRAIN ME!" and run out of the room.

I would totally have given that chick a Charizard but I didn't have my lighter on me.

Turffle Butter (YES MISSPELLED ON PORPOISE)- Truffle butter is when you pull you dick out of the asshole an continue fucking her pussy, and the tan buttery substance around her pussy is truffle butter.

Eat my pussy, hell nah bitch, not after I just put it in your pussy from your ass, you got truffle butter hoe!!

 Truffle Snuffle- The act of sticking your face in to a large bosom, then rubbing your nose up and down while making snorting noises. Similar to motor boating.

Bonus if you find any crumbs
Girl: *gets sugar from her donut down her top*
Boy: *looks and smiles*
Girl: "I got an image of you looking like a pig, snuffling for truffles"
Boy: "I would love to truffle snuffle the sugar off your tits!"

Dutch Lollipop- a person inserts a tootsie pop into his/her partners asshole. the partner then proceeds to shit all over it. it is then coated with ejaculatory fluid and fed to the other partner. then, you ask he/she how many licks it takes to get to the middle.

i fed my girlfriend a dutch lollipop last night with an extra load of shit on it and it took her 27 licks to get to the center.

W.T.F. IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. I HAVE LIVED FOR A THOUSAND YEARS AND OH MY GOD. I did find one I like, and it's the definition of you guys.

NERTS-to express disgust; an exclamation

You drop all your pixie stix in a puddle. You yell out, Nerts!


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