0.4; Not My Type

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0.4; Not My Type



If you knew Audriana Lahey then you knew she didn't like normal.

Sure, there are times that she wishes things in Beacon Hills would be less chaotic and lethal, but she'd never go as far to say normal. It was probably because as a child normal for her was an abusive father, never being confident enough, and never feeling content.

Even though all hell broke loose when her brother was turned into a were wolf, it wasn't all bad. She gained the insight to a whole different side of the world, she also gained some friends she planned to keep by her side for the of her life. She would do anything for her friends, unfortunately Stiles was one of her friends.

It was 5:00 when Stiles called Audriana. She had been sitting in the McCall's living room flipping through a Vouge magazine and drinking a Pepsi when her phone went off.
Upon taking a glance at the caller ID she did a quick inward eye roll before she picked up the phone and pressed accept.

"What do you want Stiles?" Audriana asked with a somewhat annoyed undertone.

"I need you to come investigate Theo with Liam and I." Stiles said.

"And by investigate you mean?" The blonde asked for elaboration. She had a feeling she knew just where the spastic boy was going with this.

"Spy on?" His sheepish voice offered.

"No way." She exclaimed into the phone. There was no way she was doing that. A crazy stalker is exactly what she had told Theo she wasn't and not to mention it could kinda be considered illegal. Not that they were above doing illegal things regularly. But it was probably a better arguing point.

"Please, there's something off about this guy and I'm not going to just sit back and watch as he carries out whatever awful thing he's planning on doing."

"Okay, so why do I need to come?" He could go commit felonies by himself for all she cared.

"Because I don't wanna go alone." From inside Stiles' car Liam let out a "Hey!" But he was quickly shushed by Stiles' hand shoving him away from the phone.

"Stiles?" Audriana inquired as she noticed the headlights outside the house for the first time. A quick peek between the blinds confirmed her suspicions.


"Where are you exactly?"

"Uh...in the driveway?"

The blonde got up from her spot on the couch and ran her hands through her hair. God she was going to regret this.

"Audri?" Stiles questioned.

"I'll be out in five minutes."


As Audriana would have predicted earlier if given the chance, this had been a bad idea.

So far the only thing they've accomplished was sitting outside of Theo's window for three hours straight. Sure, Theo was cute but he wasn't a very exciting person. He might have also been lacking in the enhanced hearing department, because honestly considering the amount of noise they had made she wouldn't have been surprised if he had noticed their presence at some point. I mean Stiles wasn't exactly a good whisperer and she did almost push Liam off the roof and into a rose bush.

Now they were all back in the jeep following Theo out to what they assumed was the preserve due to the direction they were headed.

"I can't believe I let you guys rope me into doing this. What if he like calls the cops? Or even worse thinks I'm like a complete creep." She pouted from the front passenger seat of the jeep. Audriana really just wants to be able to make out with Theo once before Stiles runs him off. Just once.

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