0.6; Nine and Three

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0.6; Nine and Three



Audriana giggled into the kiss as Theo climed on top of her and pinned her arms above her head. She however quickly composed herself when he opted to begin leaving open mouthed kisses down her jaw and along the crook of her neck. She let out a quiet moan and broke from his hold on her arms only to wrap them around his neck.

Originally when Audriana first arrived at Theo's house the plan had been to study. That plan was quickly disregarded when they both happened to admit they didn't actually need to study. One thing led to another and next thing Audriana knew she was Ripping off Theo's shirt and he was pushing her down on the bed.

Theo unattached his lips from her neck only to once again place them on her lips. They kissed feverishly, hands frantically moving unable to linger in one spot for too long.

Audriana hooked her legs around Theo's waist and effectively flipped them allowing her to be on top. The kiss became slower until Audriana finally pulled away and sat up.

"I've gotta go" She sighed staring down at the handsome werewolf propped up on his elbows with a confused look on his face.

"Why?" Theo asked with a frown as he placed his hands on her thighs, his thumbs rubbing small circles.

"Because as much fun as I'm having me and the girls promised we'd help Malia practice driving." She slowly crawled off the bed and proceeded to pick up the disregarded biology and trigonometry text books, shoving them in her bag.

"Let me guess, besties before testies!" Theo mocked in a girly voice, still having not moved from his place on the bed.

"Oh my god. You did not just say that." Audriana sent a look of horror his way before laughing. She took a seat at the end of the bed in order to put her boots back on. "I'll call you later."

"You better." Theo said with a teasing smile.

She leaned back and pressed a kiss to his lips before standing up and leaving his bedroom.


"Hands on the wheel at ten and two" Kira told Malia in an encouraging voice. All four girls were currently on a back road in Beacon Hills where they intended to teach Malia how to drive with out killing someone.

"Actually the recommended position is now nine and three, at ten and two a deployed airbag could break your thumbs." Lydia immediately corrected the kitsune.

"But mine would heal" Malia dead panned from the drivers seat.

"Save your strength"

Audriana felt the need to interrupt in that moment. "And even though you would heal the car however wouldn't, and more importantly I wouldn't." She put a little extra exclamation on the 'I' part.

"Nine and three" Lydia repeated.

"Alright just ease into it. Good. Good. Okay. There you go." Nervously Kira continued to cheer on Malia.

The werecoyote however didn't appreciate the cheering. "Please shut up"

"No problem, I am." Kira sank back into the seat in a way that reminded Audriana of Stiles.

About then the car slowly started driving off the road veering left and into the strip of trees beside them.

"Okay, how about we go straight" Audriana tried to offer as polite as possible. Her tone of voice turned panicked when Malia still didn't turn the wheel. "Malia!"

The collision course machine built into the car started going off as the vehicle came closer and closer to running into a rather large pine tree.

"What is that? What is beeping?" Malia looked around trying to locate the sound.

Lydia "The car is telling you not to run into the tree. Turn the wheel."

"Try and stay on the actual road" Kira offered.

Noticing the slow pace Lydia told Malia to press a little harder on the gas. A little harder however resulted in them going about 70 miles per hour in a circle.

"Oh god I'm gonna be sick." Audriana whined after hitting her head on the window due to the sharp turn.

"Anyone wanna tell me where we're going?" Malia asked after they had found their way to the highway and were finally driving in a safe manner.

"The school we can end with parking practice." The banshee in the passenger seat answered the question.

"Lots and lots of practice" The young lager added rubbing her bruising head.

"Uh Lydia" Kira pipped up. "We are headed down town"

"Should I turn around?" Malia asked.

"No!" Audriana shouted.

"Keep going, we're almost there." Lydia said in a calm voice that was almost a whisper. In that moment the girls realized there was a pretty good chance they'd be stumbling upon a body tonight.



A/N: sorry.

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