0.9; Glimpses

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0.9; Gimpses



Audriana stayed at the hospital with till around 1:30 when Melissa McCall insisted she go home and get some rest. Under normal circumstances she would have protested but it was late and her clothes were still covered in blood and a shower and a bed sounded amazing.

Audriana although tired failed to rest soundly that morning. Once sleep finally managed to come it was everything but peaceful. Some where along the line her dreams turned to memories she wasn't aware she posessed.

There were glimpses of a tiled room, dried red and black substances covered too many surfaces, and the metallic smell she could only identify of blood invaded the air. The lighting in the room flickered from time to time and she recalled feeling as if she was tied down unable to move. However, as soon as the nightmare like visions came to light they disappeared with the faint sound of a repetitive clicking leaving her in nothing but darkness. This process repeated itself throughout the night until she woke the next morning in which she remembered nothing but that she was having some sort of bad dream.

Audriana only shook it off as the results of stress, someone in her position was bound to have nightmares occasionally.  She then proceeded to go about her morning as she normally would.

Audriana took her time and went to all of her morning classes before her and Stiles drove over to the hospital in hopes of seeing Lydia. They were however, told by an extremely rude male nurse that they weren't aloud in. Needless to say Stiles almost had to hold her back.

The two of them were now back at the school, walking through the library towards where their friends were gathered around a table.

"Did you get in to see Lydia?" Scott asked looking up from the book he'd been reading.

"No we tried to use free period but she in the ICU and no one besides family is aloud in. That's stupid right? I mean she's been my friend since pre school we are family." Audrianna rolled her eyes. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't still annoyed.

"But we did get this." Stiles added, before placing the bestiary Scott had asked them for on the table. He immediately began flipping through the pages. "Anything in here about half werewolves half kanimas?"

Audrianna still couldn't believe this was happening the first time around with the kanima was bad enough. Audrianna Lahey's sophomore year of high school had been stressful to say the least.

"Chimera" Scott corrected.

"Hm?" The blonde furrowed her eyebrows.

"Chimera, it's a creature made of incongruous parts and Liam said he found two burial sights. So, Tracy isn't the only one."

"Who's the second one." Kira asked, directing everyone's attention from Scott who had been showing off his AP bio listening skills.

"And why are we burying them?" Stiles added.

"Deaton thinks it's part of their process."

"The people in masks." Malia confirmed.

Audrianna couldn't hold back the slight cringe. The night that Tracy had attacked Lydia, Malia followed her into the basement where she claimed to have ran into several men in masks.
She had told them, that the men injected something into Tracy's neck, killing her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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