0.7; Intense

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0.7; Intense



"I don't know, something just attacked them. There is blood everywhere." Audriana was currently standing right outside an alley on the checking in with Theo on the phone.

It turns out that Lydia as predicted was in fact having a banshee feeling. After driving into the city they stumbled upon a crashed police transport van containing multiple dead people and one missing fugitive. The question now was who killed them and where was Donovin.

"Do you need me to come down there."

"No. No, I'm fine. Everyone is fine. Sadly, we're kind of not phased by this kind of stuff anymore."

"It's crazy the things you guys have to put up with."

"Well its Beacon Hills. Hey Stiles and Scott just got here I gotta run."

"Okay call if you need back up." Theo watched as Audriana walked from where she had been standing on the corner of the street and joined the two boys who just arrived on the crime scene.

"Definitely will do that. Okay bye." The blonde hung up her phone slipping it into her jacket pocket.

"Who was that?" Stiles asked when the three of them finally met.

"Just Theo checking in." She shrugged as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

Stiles however happened to think it was a very big deal. "What do you mean just checking in? You guys just call each other all the time now?"

"Not all the time" Audriana emphasized the 'all'

"I can't believe you." Stiles turned to his best friend in disbelief. "She's fraternizing with the enemy."

"Stiles he hasn't done actually done anything wrong" Scott shrugged trying to remain optimistic. At that moment Sheriff Stilinksi wrapped up whatever he had been talking to one of his other officers in order to confront the teenagers.

"Guys this kid Donovan" the sheriff turned to Scott "He wasn't like you right?"

"I don't think so" The true alpha furrowed his eyebrows as Stiles interrupted.

"Unless he knew how to hide His scent"

The sherif let out an exasperated sigh and lowered his voice."This kid might've just brutally Murdered his lawyer and two officers.We've Got an APB out on him do you think you can find him faster?" It was clear he was talking to Scott seeing as if he had asked either Stiles or Audriana they would probably break some sort of law in order to do so.

"I could try"

Stilinski handed Scott a walkie talkie "All right keep on channel 2" Then Scott ran off to find the missing fugitive.

The sheriff started to walk away but Stiles stopped him."Dad what if it wasn't Donovan?"

"I'm guessing you already have a theory?"

Stiles stopped and turned to Audriana who had been quite the entire time sending her a look. "Yeah I think I do"

"Stiles I know what you're thinking, and it wasn't Theo." She read the look he was giving her easily. She began to walk over to where everyone else was standing, Stiles following behind.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Becau-" She was cut off when Scott's voice came across deputy Parrish's intercom

"I found Donovan he's completely freaked out and keep saying some Name"

"What Name?" Audriana asked taking a step closer to the group.

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