0.5; Get to Work

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0.5; Get to Work



"Why do I get the feeling this kid is tougher than he looks?"

Theo pointed to Liam who Audriana currently had a hold on. She knew he had anger issues and considering some off the things Stiles had drilled into his head aboout Theo she wouldn't have been surprised if Liam lost it if Theo happened to say the wrong thing.

"When we let him off his leash" Stiles countered. Audriana held back a laugh thinking back to a conversation her and Liam had about being tied to a tree during the last full moon. That poor boy.

"Stiles we were in little league together why are you so suspicious of me?"  Theo inquired. Audriana was dragged from her light hearted thoughts and redirected her attention back to the serious conversation.

"Cause of these." Stiles held out two pieces off paper that Audriana hadn't seen before. She moved around to stand next to Theo in order to also read what was on them.

"Ones a speeding ticket signed by your dad eight years ago and the other one is a signature on a transfer form to Beacon High. They are different."

"You've got to be kidding me." Audriana whined glancing up from the papers. If they were different she couldn't tell. What did Stiles do? Take a magnifying glass to them?

"They do look a little different."  Theo admitted nodding along.

Audriana sent a look of shock Theo's way. He was agreeing? Even more reason he wasn't guilty of anything.

"No they are totally different."  Stiles exasperated.

"So what? My Dad's not my dad? He's an imposter?" Theo asked. His face was one of complete confusion, with maybe a speck of irritation.

"Something like that."  Liam butted in showing his agreement with Stiles.

"Who do you think I am?"

An extremely hot teenage werewolf that we totally just invaded the privacy of. Audriana thought to herself.

"We don't know yet." Stiles continued to banter back and forth with Theo.

"Do you want me to give you a DNA sample or something?" The omega asked in total willingness. He honestly looked as though he'd give them a DNA sample if necessary.

"I don't have anything from the fourth grade to match it to."

Both Audriana and Theo raised an eyebrow at that. There was such a thing as too far.

"You know Stiles I came back here for Scott, but I also came back for you, someone like you. Someone who's willing to walk into the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends. I don't have anyone like that, Scott does, you all do. I know I'm in the right place. I'm meant to be here. I'm meant to be part of this pack." After Theo's speech Liam and Stiles began to disperse back to the jeep.

Audriana choose to stay behind. She had a few things still to say.

"Listen Theo I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for everything." She said to him. She felt like she owed him some sort of apology for kind of leading him on. She made it seem like she trusted him and then proceeded to stalk him for three and a half hours trying to find some sort of reason not to.

"It's okay." Theo shook his head dismissing her apology easily.

She pursed her lips at how easily he forgave her. Audriana still felt the need to further elaborate. "It's just so hard trusting people, especially in Beacon Hills. There has just been so many people here who we trusted in the past and things didn't work out. We don't wanna make that mistake again. Well Stiles doesn't."

Theo took a step closer making them about a couple inches apart and gently placed a hand on her arm. "It's really okay. You don't have to explain yourself to me. My life has been a whirlwind since the bite, I can't imagine how it's been out here, with the whole supernatural beacon thing going on?"

Audriana sent him a small smile that he returned and for a minute they just stood there staring at each other until Audriana diverted her eyes ducking her head slightly. The movement caused Theo remove his hand, and take a step back. He made a mental note of how her confident facade had slipped away.
After a moment or two of inwardly debating he choose to use her vulnerable state to his advantage. "You know, Scott and Stiles aren't the only ones I remember from fourth grade."

Her hand had now come to rest in the same place he had just held in his own hand. "Oh really?" She smiled at him, the sparkle in her eye grew as she continued edging him on to continue.

"Yeah, but I would have never had recognized you if it wasn't for your last name. Back then you were so quiet and you always had your nose in a book." He paused as if thinking "The only person you ever talked to was your brother."

At the mention of Isaac her features lit up a bit. "A lot has changed since fourth grade." Audriana stated the obvious. Even without the supernatural world having come to light she had changed so much. She wasn't a scared little girl anymore.

"You know everyone thought you were strange because during recess you would sit and read instead of playing but that didn't stop me from having the hugest crush on you." He laughed glancing down at the ground before making eye contact with her again.

"Your kidding!" Audriana laughed. Theo wasn't lying when he said she was strange. She really was a antisocial weirdo (which some could consider natural for a high schooler, but an 8 year old? Not likely) , on top of that she wasn't a very pretty little girl either, naturally puberty was a blessing. Puberty and becoming friends with Lydia Martin and Allison Argent. They had given her look a complete 180.

"Nope, I was obsessed with you as much as Stiles Stilinski was with Lydia Martin. And if I'm right, that was quite a lot."

The two had started moving closer to each other again.

"I have a hard time believing that, you know he pursued that all the way through junior year." Audriana gave him a teasing glance. "If you ask me I don't think he's quite over it." She whispered the last part as if Stiles was standing next to them.

"How do you know I wouldn't have done the same thing?" He took another step closer until they were chest to chest.

"Too bad you had to leave." She smirked.

"It is too bad, but I'm back." His hand slid around her waist sending a warm feeling up her spine.

"So what are you gonna do now?" She inquired.

"Win over the pretty girl and get her friends to trust me."

She smiled before leaning up until there lips were centemeters from touching. "Then you better get to work."

With that she broke out of his grip and walked back to where Stiles, Liam, and Scott were talking.

"What took you so long?" Stiles asked curiously looking up from whatever he was doing.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Audriana smiled before ducking into the jeep and slamming the door behind her.

EDITED: November 26 2016

A/N: omg what did stiles do? The conversation between Theo and Audri was super fun to write so there will for sure be more things like that. I love seeing comments and feedback from you guys so don't be shy.
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